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Monthly Archives: December, 2023


Creativity magic: 3 ways to tune into divine inspiration for successful creative projects

Is there a creative project you really want to achieve? Maybe a book, a song, a garden, a room design or a fabulous holiday. Creativity magic can help.

A witches guide to divination

Navigate the art of divination with practical insights. Explore tools like tarot, runes and scrying for a grounded approach to understanding the unknown. Explore the world of divination for a clearer, more informed perspective on your path ahead.

3 Candle manifestation magic spell

Learn how to use candles to release, honour and invite positive energies. Discover practical tips for selecting and preparing candles. Start your journey to manifestation mastery today

Wintering: embracing the transformative power of rest and reflection

Discover the profound wisdom of 'wintering' – a metaphor for life's quiet seasons. Explore the art of rest, self-care, and reflection during winter, and learn how embracing the dormant periods in our lives can lead to personal growth, renewal and a deeper connection with the cyclical rhythms of nature.

Witchcraft Basics: Cleansing, Grounding, Centering and Protection

Preparing for Magical Work Before you begin any spells or magical workings, it is a good idea to practise the witchcraft basics of cleansing, grounding,...


Black Pepper Spells and Magical Uses

Black Pepper has a rich history of spiritual and magical uses across various cultures and traditions. It can be used in a variety of...

Harnessing the magic of Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

I love working with Artemis as she represents feminine wildness and sacred nature. Whether you choose to worship her as a deity or be...

Shadow Work for Relationships

Shadow work can be a transformative tool for relationships. By looking at our unconscious patterns, beliefs and unresolved emotions, shadow work for relationships can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we show up in relationships.