As witches, we understand that luck isn’t merely a game of chance—it’s an energy we can actively engage with and shape to our advantage. Good Luck spells aren’t about passively waiting for blessings to fall into your lap; they’re about clarifying your intentions, aligning your actions with your aspirations, and remaining open to opportunities when they present themselves.
Think back to a time when you felt particularly fortunate. More often than not, your mindset played a significant role in attracting those positive experiences. When we approach life with a sense of optimism and possibility, we’re more likely to recognise and seize the opportunities that come our way.
So, how can you harness that lucky energy in your witchcraft? Begin by getting specific about what you wish to manifest, gather objects and symbols that resonate with your desire, and focus on embodying the qualities you wish to attract.
But here’s the secret ingredient: inspired action. Luck favours the bold, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and take calculated risks. When you combine magical intention with practical effort, you’ll be astonished at the lucky breaks that come your way. So go ahead, sprinkle a little serendipity into your craft, and watch as your dreams take flight.
How Luck Spells Work
Luck spells operate at the intersection of intention, energy and opportunity. When we cast a luck spell, we’re essentially creating a magnetic field that attracts favourable circumstances into our lives. These spells work by shifting our vibrational frequency to align with the energy of abundance and possibility, making us more receptive to spotting and seizing opportunities. Unlike more directive magic, luck spells don’t typically manifest specific outcomes; rather, they create conditions where fortunate events are more likely to unfold. The effectiveness of luck magic lies in its ability to heighten our awareness, boost our confidence, and position us in the path of positive possibilities. When combined with practical action, these spells serve as catalysts that transform potential into reality, opening doors that might otherwise remain closed to us.
The following 4 Luck spells are simple to do and use just a few tools and ingredients. If you don’t have all the ingredients, don’t worry, just use what you have. A clear quartz crystal and rosemary can be used as a substitute for the crystals and herbs.
Take your time with these spells and rituals. The more you focus on your intention, the better the chances of success. As always, feel free to adapt the spells to your own practice and beliefs.
Lucky Pocket Charm
This portable good luck spell allows you to carry luck wherever you go.
You’ll need:
- A small drawstring pouch (green or gold is ideal)
- Three tiger’s eye stones or three coins
- Star anise
- Cinnamon stick
- Bay leaf
- Green ribbon
- On a Thursday during a waxing moon, gather your materials
- Write your specific luck intention on the bay leaf
- Hold each item in your hands and charge it with your intention
- Place everything in the pouch while saying: “Luck and fortune, come to me, as I will, so mote it be”
- Tie the pouch with the green ribbon, making seven knots
- Carry this charm when you need extra luck or before taking important actions
New Moon Lucky Bath Ritual
This is a lovely ritual to help you get in the right mindset to see opportunities and synchronise with universal energies.
You’ll need:
- Basil leaves (for prosperity)
- Bay leaves (for wishes)
- Cinnamon sticks (for success)
- Green aventurine or citrine crystal
- Lemon slices
- A bathtub of warm water
- A green candle
- Ideally, create your bath during the new moon or when the moon is waxing
- Add the herbs and lemon to the bath water
- Place your crystal at the edge of the tub
- Light your candle and dim other lights
- As you soak, visualise yourself walking through doors of opportunity
- Affirm: “I attract good fortune in all forms, luck surrounds me like a warm embrace”
- After your bath, carry your crystal with you for the next lunar cycle
Good Luck Spell
This versatile good luck spell can be cast whenever you need a swift boost of good fortune in your life.
You’ll need:
- A green candle
- A small mirror
- Dried chamomile flowers
- Clover (regular or four-leaf if available)
- A pinch of cinnamon
- A small bowl
- Sunflower oil
- A piece of paper and pen
- Begin by placing the mirror on a flat surface and setting the green candle at its center
- In the bowl, combine the chamomile, clover and cinnamon
- On your paper, write “Good luck flows to me naturally and abundantly”
- Light the candle and focus on its reflection in the mirror
- Sprinkle a small amount of your herbal mixture around the candle while saying: “Fortune bright and chances new, Good luck now comes into view. Reflected light, doubled power, Bring me luck this very hour.”
- Place a drop of sunflower oil on your paper and fold it toward you three times
- Keep the folded paper with you for seven days, then burn it in the candle flame to release the spell or bury it in a plant pot.
For best results, cast this Good Luck Spell during a waxing moon or on a Sunday. After completing the ritual, remain alert to unexpected opportunities and be ready to act when fortune presents itself. This Good Luck Spell sets the stage for positive outcomes, but remember that your responsiveness to lucky moments is what truly brings the magic to life.
Quantum Luck Shifting Spell
This powerful good luck spell helps you align with your luckiest possible timeline.
You’ll need:
- A small mirror
- A coin
- A white or silver candle or LED candle
- A glass of water
- A pen and 2 small pieces of paper
- Begin by writing down three areas where you seek good luck
- Light the candle and place it where it reflects in the mirror
- Hold the coin between your palms and close your eyes
- Take three deep breaths and say: “Between all possibilities, I choose the path of fortune”
- Flip the coin but don’t look at the result—place it on your written intentions and cover it with a second piece of paper so you can’t see it.
- Take a sip of water while gazing at the candlelight in the mirror
- Say: “As simply as water flows, so does luck flow to me now”
- Leave the coin on your paper overnight near the mirror
This luck magic works by acknowledging that multiple lucky outcomes exist, and you’re simply choosing to align with the most fortunate one. By not observing the coin’s result, you remain in a state of quantum potential where all fortunate possibilities remain available to you.
Embracing the Magic of Luck
Remember that magical practice is ultimately about transformation—both of circumstances and of self. The true power of luck magic lies not just in the herbs, candles, or incantations, but in the shift of consciousness that occurs when we actively engage with possibility.
When you cast these spells, you’re doing more than performing rituals—you’re declaring to the universe and to yourself that you are worthy of good fortune and prepared to receive it. This declaration alone can be revolutionary, especially during times when luck seems scarce.
Whether you’re drawn to energizing baths, portable charms, or quantum shifting, the magic becomes most potent when you carry its essence into your daily life. Notice how your awareness expands after spellwork—how you might spot opportunities that previously passed unseen, or feel inspired to take chances that once seemed frightening.
Trust in your craft, but also trust in yourself. The most powerful ingredient in any luck magic is your unwavering belief that you can co-create your reality. Cast your intentions clearly, act with purpose, and watch as the universe conspires to bring a little more magic into your path.
The luckiest witches aren’t those who simply wait for fortune to find them—they’re the ones who recognize that luck has been within their power all along.
Blessed be
Eva x