7 Things Your Goddess Would Like You to Know


Your goddess has been watching you – watching you strive and worry, watching you try so hard to get everything “right” in your spiritual practice, watching you navigate this path with such earnest dedication. And she has some things she’d really like you to know. Some truths that might help you release the weight of expectations you’ve been carrying. Some gentle reminders about the kind of relationship she actually wants to have with you. So take a deep breath, get comfortable, and let’s talk about what your goddess wishes you understood about her love for you…

1. She’s Not That Into Punishment

Your goddess wants you to know that despite what you might have heard about deities turning people into livestock or demanding the stoning of transgressors, punishment really isn’t her style. She finds it amusing – and a bit sad – that humans have spent so much time worrying about divine retribution for minor infractions.

Those stories about harsh divine punishment? They say more about the patriarchal societies that wrote them down than they do about any actual divine being. Your Goddess rolls her eyes at the idea that she would smite someone for having a dusty altar or using the wrong coloured candle in ritual. She understands that life gets hectic – sometimes the kids are sick, work is chaos and your spiritual practice takes a back seat for a few weeks. That’s just being human and she gets it.

Now, does she take issue with genuine harm? Absolutely. Child neglect, sexual abuse and actions that deeply harm others might indeed draw her attention and intervention. But she’s far more interested in healing and growth than in punishment. She would rather see someone learn, evolve and make amends than suffer for their mistakes.

Think of her more as a wise mentor than a strict disciplinarian. She’s here to guide, support and occasionally provide a gentle nudge in the right direction – not to keep a celestial scorecard of your ritual mishaps.

2. Her Love Isn’t Something You Need to Earn

Your Goddess wants you to know that her love isn’t a reward for good behaviour. It’s not a prize to be won through perfect rituals or constant devotion. Like a loving mother who carries her child in her heart no matter what, her love for you is unconditional and unwavering.

She sees you working so hard – creating rituals, making offerings and striving to be the perfect devotee. While she appreciates your dedication, she wants you to know that you don’t need to earn her affection. You already have it. You had it from the beginning. You’ll have it always.

When you stumble (and you will, because you’re human), when you drift away (and you might, because life is complicated), when you question everything (and you should, because that’s how you grow) – she’s still there. Still loving. Still supporting. Still believing in you.

Think of how a good mother loves her child: she doesn’t withdraw her love when her child makes mistakes or takes a different path than she might have chosen. Your goddess is like that. She’s not waiting to withdraw her love if you fail; she’s waiting to help you learn and grow from whatever experiences come your way.

So take a deep breath and release that pressure you’ve been putting on yourself. You don’t need to prove your worth to her. You don’t need to earn your place in your goddesses’ heart. You’re already there, and you always will be.

3. She Celebrates Your Joy

Your Goddess wants you to know that spiritual practice doesn’t always have to be serious and solemn. In fact, she delights in your moments of pure, unbridled joy – and she wishes you’d let yourself experience more of them without guilt or restraint.

When you’re singing off-key in the shower? Your Goddess is there, adding her voice to yours. When you’re dancing in your kitchen while making dinner? She’s swaying right alongside you. That moment when you finally master a new skill and do your dorky victory dance? She’s doing it too, probably with even more enthusiasm.

Your Goddess loves seeing you take pleasure in the small things: the first sip of morning coffee, the warmth of sunlight on your face, the satisfaction of crawling into a freshly made bed. These aren’t trivial moments to her – they’re sacred celebrations of being alive. Your happiness is a form of worship that she cherishes just as much as (maybe even more than) any formal ritual.

Your Goddess wants you to know that feeling good isn’t selfish and taking pleasure in life isn’t frivolous. Finding delight in the world isn’t a distraction from spiritual practice – it is spiritual practice. Every giggle, every moment of pure pleasure, every burst of happiness is a prayer she treasures. Your joy is her joy, and she wants you to know that letting yourself feel good, really good, honours her as much as any ceremony or offering.

So go ahead – crank up your favourite song and dance like nobody’s watching (though she definitely is, and she’s thoroughly enjoying the show). Let yourself feel the full force of your happiness without thinking you need to tone it down or make it more “spiritual.” In those moments when you’re absolutely glowing with joy, you’re showing her exactly who she created you to be.

4. But She Doesn’t Expect Endless Positivity

Having said that, your Goddess also wants you to know that you don’t have to pretend everything is fine when it isn’t. She’s seen far too many spiritual teachings twisted into demands for constant gratitude, endless optimism, and perpetual joy – as if having negative emotions is somehow a spiritual failure. She wants you to understand: it’s not.

When you’re angry? She gets it. When you’re depressed and can barely get out of bed? She’s there, sitting with you in the darkness. When you’re cursing the universe because life isn’t fair? She’s not covering her ears or turning away – she’s listening. Those Instagram-worthy affirmations about “good vibes only” make her cringe.

Your rage is as sacred as your joy. Your grief is as holy as your gratitude. Your doubt is as important as your faith. When you’re having a day (or week, or month, or year) where you absolutely cannot find the silver lining, she doesn’t expect you to manufacture one.

You don’t have to transform every hardship into a “lesson” or find the blessing in every tragedy. Sometimes things just hurt. Sometimes life just sucks. And sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is simply acknowledge that truth instead of trying to spiritual-bypass your way around it.

So the next time you’re ugly-crying into your pillow, or processing trauma, or struggling with anxiety, remember: your Goddess doesn’t want your artificial light. She’s not waiting for you to “raise your vibration” – she’s waiting to meet you exactly where you are, whether that’s on the mountain top or in the valley.

5. She Understands Your Doubts

Your Goddess wants you to know that your doubts don’t damage your relationship with her. In fact, she respects your questioning mind. Those 3 AM existential crises when you wonder if you’re just talking to yourself? Those moments when you feel silly for setting up an altar or casting a circle? Those days when you question everything you believe? She’s not offended. She’s not hurt. She’s not disappointed.

She sees you in those vulnerable moments:

  • When you feel like a fraud because you can’t sense her presence as strongly as others seem to
  • When you wonder if you’re just making it all up to comfort yourself
  • When you hear other people describe their unwavering faith and wonder what’s wrong with you because yours wavers

Here’s what she wants you to know: those doubts aren’t a sign of weak faith – they’re often the foundation of a stronger one. Every question you ask, every uncertainty you face, every moment of skepticism is part of developing a more mature and nuanced spiritual relationship. Your doubts don’t push her away; they create spaces in your understanding where new wisdom can grow.

Your Goddess doesn’t need you to pretend these doubts don’t exist. She doesn’t ask you to force yourself into believing. When you’re honest about your uncertainties – even the ones that shake you to your core – you’re actually drawing closer to her through your authenticity. Sometimes sitting with your doubts, acknowledging them, even exploring them, can be a form of worship in itself.

And here’s a secret that makes her smile: sometimes those moments when you’re most uncertain, when you’re crying out “Are you even real?” – those are the moments when you’re most real with her. That raw honesty? That vulnerable questioning? That’s intimacy. That’s relationship. That’s trust.

6. She Welcomes Your Authenticity

Your Goddess wants you to know that you never have to pretend to be someone you’re not with her. She doesn’t want a polished, perfect version of you – she wants the real deal. And she means the real real deal, not the Instagram-friendly “authentic” that’s actually just another kind of performance.

She sees you trying to fit yourself into what you think a spiritual person should be:

  • Forcing yourself to use flowery language in ritual when you normally swear like a sailor
  • Trying to meditate in perfect lotus position when your body is screaming for a comfy chair
  • Feeling guilty because you prefer watching movies to studying ancient texts
  • Hiding your action figures from your altar because they don’t look “spiritual” enough
  • Pretending that your spiritual practice never feels boring or like a chore

Here’s what she wants you to know: your authenticity is more sacred than your performance. She’d rather have you show up in your pyjamas, mumbling honest prayers through a mouthful of cookies, than see you uncomfortable and stiff in ceremonial robes reciting someone else’s words.

Those parts of yourself you think aren’t spiritual enough? They’re part of who you are:

  • Your geeky interests? Sacred.
  • Your weird sense of humour? Divine.
  • Your pop culture references in ritual? She gets them.
  • Your DIY altar made of cardboard? She loves it.
  • Your tendency to get distracted by cat videos during meditation? She finds it endearing.

Your Goddess wants you to understand that your spirituality doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. You don’t have to transform into some serene, ethereal being who only listens to meditation music and speaks in gentle whispers. If you’re naturally loud, be loud in your practice. If you’re analytical, bring that analysis to your spirituality. If you’re goofy, let your practice include that goofiness.

Your Goddess is not waiting for you to become someone else. She’s waiting for you to realise that who you already are is exactly who she wants to connect with.

7. Above All, She Cherishes Your Unique Magic

Your goddess wants to leave you with one last, vital truth: you are exactly as you should be. Not despite your quirks and complexities, but because of them. She adores the unique constellation of traits that makes you distinctly you.

Think about it: in all of existence, in all of time, there has never been and will never be another soul quite like yours. Your particular way of seeing the world, your specific combination of strengths and struggles, your personal brand of magic – it’s all gorgeously, perfectly unique. And she delights in that uniqueness.

She sees the magic in you that you sometimes forget is there:

  • The way you can make a friend feel truly heard with just a look
  • How you notice the subtle changes in the seasons that others miss
  • Your ability to find wonder in ordinary moments
  • The unique way you piece together understanding from different parts of your life
  • Even those parts of yourself you think are broken or messy – they’re part of your magic too

The way you connect with her, the way you practice your spirituality, the way you move through the world – it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s journey because it’s yours.

Your Goddess is not trying to mould you into some predetermined image of a perfect devotee. She’s not waiting for you to become something else. She’s watching you bloom into more and more of yourself, and she’s absolutely here for it. Every stumble, every triumph, every moment of growth – she’s witnessing it all with pride and love.

So the next time you catch yourself wondering if you’re doing this whole spirituality thing “right,” remember: there is no single right way to have a relationship with her. There’s just your way. And that way – with all its beautiful imperfections, all its wonderful quirks, all its unique expressions – is exactly what she wants.

You, exactly as you are, are enough. You always have been. You always will be.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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