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Love Spells and Rituals: A Practical Guide for Witches


We witches can use love spells for various reasons: to attract more love into our lives, to strengthen existing relationships, or to heal from past heartbreaks. These spells can help by aligning our energy with love, boosting our confidence and opening us up to new possibilities. Love spells typically use tools like candles, crystals and herbs, combined with focused intention and visualisation. They’re not about manipulating others, but rather about creating a positive change within ourselves and our energetic field.

The Ethics of Love Spells

When casting love spells, it’s vital to avoid directing them at specific individuals. Targeting someone interferes with their free will and can lead to an unhealthy, imbalanced relationship. Instead, focus on attracting love in general or enhancing your own capacity for love.

Here are some reasons not to target a love spell at a particular person

  1. Every person has the right to make their own choices in love. Casting a spell to make someone fall in love with you not only violates their autonomy but also creates a relationship built on magical coercion rather than genuine connection.
  2. Just as in any aspect of life, consent is crucial in matters of love and magic. A person who is influenced by a targeted love spell hasn’t given their consent to be in a relationship with you.
  3. A relationship born from a manipulative spell lacks authenticity. You’d always question whether the person’s feelings are genuine or a result of your magic.
  4. Love spells targeting individuals can have unintended consequences, potentially causing emotional or psychological harm to the target or yourself.
  5. If a person does not reciprocate your feelings then this is just not the right relationship for you. Try to focus on healing your relationship with yourself and being open to a new relationship rather than obsessing about a relationship that is not meant to be.

Ethical Love spells

While I do not recommend love spells directed at a specific individual, I absolutely believe in the power of love spells and love magic. Here are some way to use love magic and love spells in ways that can help you to create genuine loving relationships

  • Use magic to boost your confidence and self-love
  • Perform rituals to open yourself up to love and new relationships
  • Cast spells for clarity in your love life
  • Use divination to gain insights into your romantic path
  • Cast spells to enhance your own attractive qualities

By adhering to these ethical guidelines, you ensure that your magical practice remains positive and respectful, while still working towards your goal of finding love.

Self-Love: The Foundation of Healthy Relationships

Before casting any love spells, it’s helpful to work on self-love. A strong sense of self-worth is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. When you love yourself, you’re better equipped to give and receive love from others.

Self-love isn’t just about feeling good about yourself; it’s about treating yourself with kindness, respect and compassion. It involves setting healthy boundaries, honouring your needs and recognising your own worth independent of others’ opinions or romantic partnerships. When we cultivate self-love, we naturally become more attractive to others who are capable of loving us in a healthy way. We also become less likely to accept treatment that falls short of what we deserve, which is crucial in forming and maintaining positive relationships.

A Self-Love Ritual

Here’s a simple self-love ritual that you can practice regularly to help boost your self esteem and learn to value your self more. I would recommend doing this ritual for a week before moving on to any further love spells. You can use a small spell candle or birthday candle each day, or burn a larger candle over the course of several days.

What you need

  • A mirror
  • A pink candle, birthday candle (you can se a white candle or LED candle if you do not have a pink one)

What to do

  1. Light the pink candle.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror.
  3. Look into your own eyes and say: “I am worthy of love. I love and accept myself fully.”
  4. Visualise a warm, pink light surrounding you.
  5. Close the ritual by thanking universal energy and extinguishing the candle

A Ritual for Relationship Clarity

Relationships are complicated and if you are working on improving a relationship, deciding whether a relationship is right for you or looking for love, it can help to get some clarity and guidance on the situation. This tarot ritual provides a framework for examining your current situation, potential challenges, and future directions. By focusing your thoughts and interpreting the cards, you can gain new perspectives on your relationships and decide on practical steps forward, including any appropriate love spells or rituals.

What you need

  • Your tarot deck
  • A white candle
  • A pink rose quartz crystal (or any stone you associate with love and relationships)
  • A quiet space where you won’t be disturbed

Preparation: Cleanse your space and tools using your preferred method. You might use sound (like a bell), smoke (such as herbs or incense), or visualisation.

What to do

  1. Light the white candle, focusing on its flame as a symbol of illumination and clarity.
  2. Hold your rose quartz, or chosen stone, in your non-dominant hand. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, allowing yourself to centre and ground.
  3. With your dominant hand, pick up your tarot deck. Shuffle the cards whilst contemplating your relationship question. Be as specific as possible in your mind.
  4. When you feel ready, cut the deck with your left hand and lay out the top three cards from left to right
  5. Interpret the cards as follows:
    • First card: The current state of the relationship
    • Second card: Challenges or obstacles to be aware of
    • Third card: Guidance or potential outcomes
  6. Spend time with each card, noting your initial reactions and any intuitive insights. Consider how the cards interact with each other and what story they might be telling about your relationship.
  7. Once you’ve reflected on the cards, hold the rose quartz again. Visualise yourself surrounded by a soft pink light of clarity and understanding.
  8. Close the ritual by thanking your deck and blowing out the candle.

After the ritual, it’s wise to journal about your insights. Remember, the cards offer guidance, but ultimately, you must trust your own judgement in matters of the heart.

A General Attraction Love Spell

This spell is designed to attract opportunities, confidence and new potential loving relationships into your life.

What you need

What to do

  1. On the paper, write your intentions for a loving relationship such as passion, kindness, loyalty etc…
  2. Light the candle.
  3. Hold the rose quartz and say: “I open my heart to love. I attract positive, loving relationships that support my highest good.”
  4. Fold the paper and place it under the candle.
  5. Sprinkle rosemary or rose petals around the candle.
  6. Let the candle burn out safely. (Never leave a candle unattended. If necessary extinguish the candle and mindfully finish burning it at a later date. This will not affect the power of the spell)

Adapting the Spell

Feel free to adapt this spell to your needs. You might use different crystals, herbs, or words that resonate with you. The key is to focus on your intention of attracting loving energy rather than a specific person.

Closing Thoughts

As witches, we hold a unique power to shape our reality through intention and energy work. Love spells can be powerful tools on your journey to finding and nurturing love.

By focusing on self-love and casting spells that attract general loving energy, you’re not just opening doors to romantic possibilities – you’re cultivating a life filled with all forms of love. You’re becoming a beacon of love, attracting relationships that truly resonate with your authentic self.

Every ritual you perform, every candle you light and every intention you set is a step towards a more love-filled existence. Trust in your magic, believe in your worth, and know that the love you seek is also seeking you. The universe responds to the energy you put out, so fill your heart with love, and watch as the world mirrors it back to you.

Your path to love is uniquely yours. The most powerful love spell of all is the one you cast on yourself every day through your thoughts, actions, and the way you treat yourself. Let your magic flow, and let love flourish in all aspects of your life.

I hope you have found this post helpful. If you have any questions, pop them in the comments below. If you are interested in learning more about simple spells and intuitive witchcraft, sign up to my newsletter and get my free Intuitive Witchcraft mini email course

Blessed Be

Eva x

Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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