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10 Signs you are a Witch.


“Okay, I have to ‘fess up! Here’s the truth – there are no ‘ten signs you are a witch.’ You are a witch if you say you are a witch! You are a witch if you feel like a witch! Damn, you are a witch if you just want to be a witch!

Listen, I get it. We’ve all been there, scrolling through articles at 2 AM, looking for someone to validate what we already feel in our bones. Maybe you’re hoping a listicle of ‘signs you are a witch’ will tell you ‘Yep, you’re officially witch material!’

But seeking permission or validation from random internet posts (including this one!) is exactly the kind of thinking we need to unlearn. That urge to have someone else confirm your identity? That’s just leftover programming from a world that’s always trying to put us in neat little boxes with clear labels and checkmarks. Your magic doesn’t need a seal of approval from anybody, and neither does your identity as a witch.”

There’s no right way to be a witch

Let’s talk about one of the most persistent myths in modern witchcraft – the idea that there’s a “correct” way to look and act as a witch. Many feel pressure to dress in flowing black garments, decorate their homes like a scene from a supernatural TV show, or create picture-perfect altars worthy of a Hollywood set. These expectations, shaped by media and reinforced by social platforms, can make practitioners feel like they’re somehow doing it “wrong” if they don’t fit this carefully curated image.

The truth is, authentic witchcraft has nothing to do with aesthetics and everything to do with personal connection and practice. Whether you’re working magic in business casual or yoga pants, using elaborate tools or simple found objects, what matters is your genuine connection to your craft and how you authentically express your spiritual path. Your index finger is just as magical for casting circles, a hand drawn image will be appreciated by any deity and a stone picked up in nature can work as well as a crystal.

Witch Origin Stories

And while we’re smashing stereotypes, my personal bugbear is this idea that you need to have some kind of mystical family lineage or a dramatic spiritual awakening story. You know the kind – ‘My great-great-grandmother was burned at the stake, and on my 13th birthday, her spirit appeared to me under a blood moon while a crow landed on my windowsill.’

Look, if that’s your story, awesome! But if your witch origin story is more like ‘I watched The Craft on Netflix and something just clicked,’ that’s just as valid. Maybe you found witchcraft through TikTok, or Pinterest, or because you really like collecting crystals. There’s no witch genealogy test. No minimum requirement for spooky experiences.

And speaking of spooky – you don’t have to be mysterious and dark all the time. You can be a witch who loves dad jokes. A witch who can’t keep plants alive to save their life. A witch who’s scared of the dark. A witch who prefers sunny afternoons to midnight rituals. Your magic isn’t measured by how many black cats you own or whether you can predict the future in your tea leaves. Sometimes your magic might look like putting a blessing in your kid’s lunchbox, or charging your spreadsheets with success energy before a big presentation.”

Responsible witchcraft

Now, while I’m all about breaking down barriers and saying ‘yes, you’re a witch if you want to be,’ I should probably mention the whole responsibility thing.

Think of witchcraft like learning to cook. Sure, you can experiment and make it your own (goddess knows I’ve created some interesting ‘kitchen witch’ disasters!), but you probably want to learn some basics first. Not because there’s a Witch Police Force checking your credentials, but because understanding the fundamentals helps keep you and others safe and makes your practice more effective.

Before you dive into that spell you found on TikTok or start mixing random herbs, take a moment to research. Learn what those herbs actually do. Understand the phases of the moon you’re working with. Know what crystals are safe to put in water. Your craft is personal, but it’s also powerful – and with power comes responsibility 😉

And here’s something that took me way too long to learn: it’s okay to start small. You don’t need to jump straight into complex rituals or heavy-duty spell work. Start with simple protection spells, meditation, or learning about herbs. It’s like building a foundation for your magical house. Sure, you could skip straight to trying to build the roof, but maybe learn how walls work first?

Remember, being a witch isn’t about how many spells you can cast or how powerful they are – it’s about growing into your power responsibly and using it wisely. Sometimes the most powerful magic is knowing when not to use magic at all.

You are a Witch

So the next time you find yourself at 2 AM anxiously typing ‘signs you are a witch’ into Google, remember this: the only real sign you’re a witch is that spark inside you that made you search in the first place. That curiosity, that pull, that feeling that there’s something more to this world than what meets the eye – that’s your magic calling.

Maybe you’ve been practicing for years without calling yourself a witch. Maybe you’re just starting out. Maybe you’re still not sure. But here’s the thing – you don’t need a Hogwarts letter or a mysterious prophecy to validate your path. The very fact that you’re here, reading this, questioning and searching and wondering – that’s your sign. That’s your knowing.

Because being a witch isn’t about checking boxes or following someone else’s rules or doing a ‘signs you are a witch’ test. It’s about trusting yourself, growing responsibly in your craft, and walking your own magical path – whether that path leads you through misty forests or fluorescent-lit office buildings.

So go ahead. Call yourself a witch. Practice your craft. Make mistakes. Learn. Grow. And most importantly, do it your way because you are a witch.

And that’s what real magic is all about.

If you’d like to know more about being a witch, check out my post What is witchcraft?

I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you would like more info on beginning your witchcraft journey, sign up for my email newsletter and you will get my 7 day day email course Intuitive Witchcraft for free, plus some grimoire pages you can print out and fill in to start your magical grimoire

Blessed Be

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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