Introduction to Energy Work




Energy work in witchcraft refers to practices that involve sensing, manipulating and directing subtle energies for magical purposes. It’s based on the belief that there are unseen energies that flow through all things and that we can learn to interact with these energies.

Energy work is a core practice in witchcraft that allows us to connect with and direct the subtle forces that exist in all living things. Whether you’re experienced or just starting to explore witchcraft, understanding energy work can change how you view both magical practices and everyday life.

Many witches incorporate energy work into their practice through visualisation, meditation, breathwork, movement and focused intention. Different witchcraft traditions have specific approaches to energy work, but the core concept involves developing sensitivity to and control over subtle energies.

This guide covers key aspects of energy work and provides practical ways to bring these techniques into your own practice.

1. Grounding and Centring: The Foundation of Energy Work

The first step in energy work is grounding and centring—techniques that connect you to the Earth’s energy while establishing your own energetic balance. Think of it as creating a stable base before exploring further magical work.

To ground effectively, imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the Earth, drawing up stable energy. Many witches find wild spaces such as woodlands or moors, mountains or beaches particularly effective places for grounding exercises, but you can do it at home, in your garden or while sitting on a park bench. Regular practice creates a strong base for all other forms of energy work and helps prevent feeling lightheaded when working with intense energies.

2. Energy Sensing: Developing Your Magical Perception

Before you can direct energy, you must first learn to feel it. Energy sensing involves developing your awareness to detect the energetic qualities of people, places, objects and moments in time.

Start with the following simple exercise. Hold your hands palm-to-palm about 10 centimetres apart and slowly move them closer and further apart, noticing any sensations (tingling, warmth, resistance) between them. This is energy work at its most basic—feeling the energy field that surrounds your physical body. With practice, this sensitivity extends to other energies, allowing you to “read” a space or object before working with it magically.

8. Shielding: Protection in Your Energy Work Practice

In a world of constantly mixing energies, learning to shield is essential for anyone practicing energy work. Shielding creates energetic boundaries that protect you from unwanted influences and prevent energy drain during magical workings.

Spend a few moments visualising a bubble of light surrounding your body, filtering out negative energies while allowing positive ones to flow through. Focus your intention on the bubble of light feeling it grow brighter with each slow deep breath you take. When you feel the light surrounding you is strong and bright, you can begin your magical work.

3. Energy Manipulation: The Core of Magical Practice

Once you can sense energy, the next step is learning to manipulate it. This is where energy work becomes practical—the ability to gather, direct and shape energy for specific intentions.

Try this simple exercise: after grounding, visualise drawing energy up from the Earth, through your body, and focusing it into a ball between your hands. Feel it grow warmer and more dense as you concentrate. This gathered energy can then be programmed with intention and directed toward magical goals.

6. Energy Healing: Restoration Through Energy Work

Energy healing uses focused intention to restore balance and promote wellbeing. This aspect of energy work draws on your ability to direct energy toward healing specific conditions or general wellness.

Folk healing traditions have long incorporated energy work, from the laying on of hands to the use of charged objects. Begin by sensing areas of energy blockage or depletion in yourself or (with permission) others. Direct balanced energy to these areas, visualising it dissolving blockages or filling depleted regions. Many witches find that energy healing work complements rather than replaces conventional medicine—the two approaches can work hand in hand.

7. Raising Energy: Powering Your Magical Intentions

When performing spells or rituals, raising energy provides the fuel that powers your magical intentions. This aspect of energy work involves building up energy through various methods until it reaches the intensity needed for your purpose.

There are countless techniques for raising energy, each with their own strengths and suitable applications:

Movement-Based Methods

Dancing in circles, spirals, or freestyle movement can rapidly build energy. The repetitive motion creates a rhythm that naturally increases your energetic vibration. Many practitioners find that dancing barefoot on natural ground enhances the connection to earth energy while raising their own.

Sound Techniques

Chanting, drumming, singing, or toning specific notes creates vibrations that raise energy effectively. Rhythmic drumming is particularly powerful as it can induce trance-like states where energy work becomes more intuitive. Even humming or whistling with intent can build substantial energy for smaller workings.

Breath Control

Controlled breathing forms the foundation of many energy raising techniques. Try the “breath of fire”—rapid, rhythmic breathing through the nose with an emphasis on the exhale—to quickly build heat and energy in your core. Alternatively, deep cyclical breathing while visualising energy entering with each inhale and expanding with each exhale creates a steadier energy build.

Visualisation Practices

Imagine drawing energy from various sources—the earth beneath you, the air around you, celestial bodies, or the elements. Visualise this energy as coloured light filling your body with each breath, growing brighter and more intense until you’re practically glowing with power.

Using Tools

Crystal wands, athames (ritual knives), or staffs can help direct and intensify energy as you raise it. Moving these tools in specific patterns—circles, spirals, infinity symbols—while focusing your intention amplifies the energy significantly.

Group Energy Work

Working with others multiplies the energy available exponentially. Group chanting, hand-holding in circles, or synchronised movements create powerful energy currents that individuals can tap into and direct.

Emotional Intensity

Strong emotions like joy, passion, or even controlled anger can fuel energy raising. Some practitioners deliberately evoke powerful emotional states through memories, music, or visualisations to infuse their energy work with this emotional current.

Regardless of the method you choose, recognising when energy has reached its peak is crucial. You might experience this as:

  • A change in body temperature (usually warming)
  • Tingling or buzzing sensations in your hands or throughout your body
  • A feeling of expansion or pressure
  • Visual changes like seeing auras or energy patterns
  • A strong intuitive knowing that “it’s time”

At this peak moment, clearly visualise your intention and direct all the accumulated energy toward it with focused will. Imagine the energy flowing out of you and into your spell, charm, or intended outcome.

After releasing the energy, always remember to ground any excess by placing your hands on the earth, eating something, or visualising roots extending from your feet into the ground. Skipping this final step can leave you feeling jittery, lightheaded, or emotionally unbalanced.

With regular practice, you’ll develop sensitivity to subtle energetic states and learn which raising techniques work best for different magical purposes. The ability to efficiently raise and direct energy is what separates effective magical work from mere wishful thinking.

9. Energy in Spellcraft: Practical Applications

The ultimate purpose of energy work in witchcraft is its application in spellcraft—using raised and directed energy to create change according to your will.

Energy work enhances every aspect of spellcraft, from charging crystals and tools to empowering sigils or spell jars. The effectiveness of your spells directly relates to your skill in energy work—your ability to raise, focus, and direct energy with clear intention.

For more on Energy raising for spellwork see How to raise energy for effective spell work

Bringing It All Together: Your Energy Work Journey

Energy work isn’t just a set of techniques—it’s a continuous journey of developing sensitivity and skill. Begin with the foundational practices of grounding and sensing, then gradually explore the more complex aspects as your confidence grows. Keep a journal of your experiences, noting how different environments and emotional states affect your energy work.

Remember that energy work responds to consistent practice. Even five minutes daily will yield better results than occasional longer sessions. As your skills develop, you’ll likely find energy work extending beyond formal practice into everyday awareness—noticing the energy of places you visit or interactions you have.

Whether you follow a specific witchcraft tradition or create your own path, energy work provides the practical skills that turn intention into manifestation. It connects us to the subtle forces that have always been part of our world, waiting only for our awareness to engage with them.

Where will your energy work journey take you?

Blessed be

Eva x

Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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