Black Pepper Spells and Magical Uses


Black Pepper has a history of spiritual and magical uses across various cultures and traditions. It can be used in a variety of black pepper spells and rituals as well as being a useful addition to many other spells. In many magical traditions, black pepper is associated with protection, banishing negative energies and promoting strength and courage. Spiritually, black pepper activates the third eye and helps open your mind to the spiritual realm. It can also promote emotional strength and relieve negative emotions. In addition, black pepper also stimulates, energises and clears energy blocks.

Magical Uses of Black Pepper

Black pepper’s fiery nature wards off evil spirits and can break hexes or curses. It can be used in various black pepper spells such as in protective sachets or sprinkled around the perimeter of your home for spiritual defence.

Black Pepper is sometimes used in cleansing rituals. Its sharp, pungent aroma clears stagnant energies and purifies spaces. Some traditions burn pepper as incense for this purpose, though this should be done cautiously due to its strong, potentially irritating smoke.

In Hoodoo and folk magic, pepper is often used in “hot foot” powders or spells designed to drive away unwanted people or influences. It’s also incorporated into spells for increasing personal power, enhancing virility, or adding “heat” to any magical working.

In certain Eastern spiritual practices, black pepper is considered to have a warming, stimulating effect on the body’s energy centres or chakras. It’s sometimes used in meditation practices or energy work to invigorate and balance the root chakra, which is associated with grounding and stability.

Types of Black Pepper and their Uses

Whole black peppercorns are popular for their potency and versatility – they can be used whole in sachets or ground as needed, allowing us to harness the full power of the pepper’s essential oils. Ground black pepper is convenient for sprinkling in black pepper spells or creating magical powders. Black pepper essential oil is often used in anointing oils or diffusers for protection and banishing work. Some witches also use black pepper-infused oils or tinctures. And of course, pepper can also be ground on to food! The choice often depends on the specific spell, personal preference and the desired intensity of the pepper’s energy.

Black Pepper Spell for Protection

The fiery energy of black pepper is used in this spell to create a powerful shield of protection against negativity and harm.

What You Need

  • Whole black peppercorns
  • A small white candle or LED candle
  • A small bowl

What to Do

  1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area by opening windows or using your preferred method of spiritual cleansing.
  2. Place the white candle in the centre of your working space and the bowl beside it.
  3. Light the candle, focusing on your intention for protection.
  4. Take a handful of whole black peppercorns and hold them in your dominant hand. Close your eyes and visualise a protective shield of energy surrounding you or your space.
  5. Recite the following incantation (or create your own): “Pepper black and pepper strong, guard me now from all that’s wrong. Fiery seed of protection true, shield me now in all I do.”
  6. As you finish the incantation, sprinkle the peppercorns into the fireproof bowl.
  7. Sit quietly for a few moments, visualising the protective energy growing stronger.
  8. When you feel the spell is complete, extinguish the candle.
  9. Scatter the peppercorns around the perimeter of your room, home or office for continued protection. Alternatively, seal them in a pouch or envelope and keep them with you for personal protection.

Repeat this black pepper spell as needed, particularly during times when you feel vulnerable or in need of extra protection.

Black Pepper Ritual for Third Eye Activation

This ritual harnesses the stimulating and awakening properties of black pepper to gently open and activate the third eye chakra, enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness.

What You Need

  • 7 whole black peppercorns
  • A small bowl of warm water
  • A purple or indigo candle
  • A comfortable place to sit or lie down
  • Optional: amethyst or clear quartz crystal

Alternatively you may use three drops of black pepper oil diluted in a teaspoon of carrier oil instead of the peppercorns and water.

What to Do

  1. Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Take a few moments to ground yourself and clear your mind. Light the purple or indigo candle, focusing on your intention to activate and open your third eye.
  3. Place the 7 peppercorns in the bowl of warm water. As you do this, say: “Pepper of sight, pepper of mind, open the eye that’s hard to find.”
  4. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. If using a crystal, hold it in your dominant hand.
  5. Visualise the peppercorns in the water, seeing their essence infusing the water with a glowing, purple light.
  6. Dip your finger in the pepper-infused water and gently tap the centre of your forehead (where the third eye is located). As you do this, say: “By pepper’s heat and water’s sight, third eye awaken, bring inner light.”
  7. Close your eyes again and visualise a small seed of purple light forming in the centre of your forehead.
  8. As you inhale, imagine drawing the spicy essence of the pepper up through your nose and into your third eye area.
  9. As you exhale, visualise the purple light growing stronger and brighter.
  10. Continue this visualisation for several minutes, feeling the warmth and tingling sensation in your third eye area.
  11. When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes. Take a moment to ground yourself.
  12. Extinguish the candle and dispose of the pepper water outside, thanking the elements for their assistance.


After you have finished this black pepper ritual

  • Drink plenty of water and eat grounding foods.
  • Be open to increased intuition and psychic impressions in the following days.
  • Consider keeping a dream journal to record any vivid dreams or visions.

Black Pepper Oil Spell for Empowerment

In this spell, black pepper oil is used to ignite inner strength and boost personal empowerment, helping you overcome obstacles with confidence. If you have sensitive skin and prefer not to use black pepper oil, place a few black peppercorns in a bowl of warm water and anoint with the water instead.

What You Need

  • Black pepper essential oil
  • A red candle
  • A lighter or matches
  • A small bowl of salt
  • A teaspoon of olive oil or another carrier oil

What to Do

  1. Begin by cleansing your space.
  2. In the small bowl, mix 2-3 drops of black pepper essential oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil.
  3. Light the red candle, focusing on your intention for empowerment. Say: “Flame of power, bright and bold, my inner strength now unfold.”
  4. Now, take a small amount of the diluted oil on your fingertip and anoint your third eye (the space between your eyebrows), saying: “Pepper’s essence, sharp and clear, banish doubt, banish fear.”
  5. Anoint the soles of your feet (or the tops if easier) with the oil, saying: “Grounded now in personal power, protected every day and hour.”
  6. Hold the crystal again and say: “By pepper’s heat and crystal’s light, I claim my power, I stand in might. Protected, empowered, strong and free, as I will, so may it be.”
  7. Allow the candle to burn for at least 15 minutes as you meditate on feelings of empowerment, strength and security. Visualise the pepper oil’s essence forming an invisible, protective armour around you.
  8. When you are ready, extinguish the candle.
  9. You may like to reapply the oil weekly to maintain the spell’s potency.


Once you have completed this black pepper spell

  • Ground yourself by eating something substantial.
  • Be mindful of any sensations of increased energy or alertness in the following days.
  • If you experience any skin irritation from the oil, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Black Pepper Spell for Emotional Release

While there is nothing wrong with ‘negative’ emotions, we can sometimes get stuck in them and find it hard to move forward. This black pepper spell will help to release these emotions and make room for more joyful ones. If you do not have grey and blue candle, you may choose any other colours that you associate with positive or negative emotions. Alternatively, you can use two white candles and carefully carve symbols on them to represent the emotions you wish to release and those you wish to invite in.

What You Need

  • 1 grey candle
  • 1 light blue candle
  • Mortar and pestle
  • 9 whole black peppercorns
  • 1 sheet of paper
  • 1 pen or pencil
  • 1 fireproof bowl
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Tongs

What to Do

  1. In a quiet space, set up your grey candle to your left and light blue candle to your right.
  2. Light both candles, saying: “Deep and light, dusk and dawn, balance restored, negativity gone.”
  3. Take the paper and pen. Write down the negative emotions you wish to release.
  4. Fold the paper three times away from you, saying: “Folded thrice, emotions bound, soon to be released.”
  5. Place the 9 peppercorns in the mortar. As you grind each one with the pestle, name an aspect of strength or positivity you wish to invite into your life.
  6. Sprinkle the ground pepper over the folded paper, saying: “Pepper sharp and pepper strong, cut these ties where they belong.”
  7. With the tongs, hold the paper over the fireproof bowl. Light one corner with the grey candle’s flame, then immediately light the opposite corner with the light blue candle’s flame.
  8. As the paper burns, chant: “Dark to light, depth to height, negative burns, positive ignites. As smoke rises, emotions fade, new strength within me is made.”
  9. Allow the paper to burn completely. As it does, visualise your negative emotions turning into smoke and dissipating.
  10. Once the paper has burned and the smoke has cleared, take three deep breaths. With each exhale, imagine expelling any remaining negativity.
  11. Extinguish the dark blue candle first, then the light blue, saying: “The balance struck, the spell is done, negative released, positive won.”
  12. Once the ashes are completely cold, dispose of them outdoors if possible.


After you have completed this black pepper spell

  • Drink a glass of water with a pinch of sea salt for grounding.
  • Engage in a calming activity you enjoy to reinforce positive emotions.
  • In the following days, be mindful of situations that trigger negative emotions and practice addressing them with your newfound strength.

Repeat this spell as needed, but allow at least a week between castings to fully process and integrate the emotional shifts.

Black Pepper Magic

As well as using black pepper in specific black pepper spells, you can also add it to a variety of other spells to increase their potency. The following spells can all be enhanced by using black peppercorns, ground black pepper or black pepper oil.

  1. Protection Spells:
    • Home protection rituals
    • Personal amulet creation
    • Shielding spells for empaths
  2. Banishing Spells:
    • Negative energy clearing
    • Unwanted guest removal
    • Bad habit breaking rituals
  3. Courage and Strength Spells:
    • Confidence boosting spells
    • Pre-interview or public speaking rituals
    • Spells for overcoming fears
  4. Hexbreaking and Curse Removal:
    • General curse-breaking rituals
    • Evil eye removal spells
    • Cleansing baths for spiritual attacks
  5. Love and Passion Spells:
    • Spells to reignite passion in relationships
    • Rituals for attracting intense romantic connections
    • Self-love and confidence in dating spells
  6. Money and Prosperity Spells:
    • Job-seeking success spells
    • Business protection rituals
    • Spells for quick cash or unexpected income
  7. Health and Vitality Spells:
    • Energy-boosting rituals
    • Spells for strengthening the immune system
    • Pain relief candle spells
  8. Psychic Protection Spells:
    • Rituals for blocking psychic attacks
    • Spells for enhancing natural psychic shields
    • Protection during divination or astral travel
  9. Truth and Justice Spells:
    • Rituals for revealing lies or deception
    • Court case success spells
    • Spells for karmic justice
  10. Purification and Cleansing Rituals:
    • Space clearing ceremonies
    • Ritual cleansing of magical tools
    • Personal energy purification spells

I hope you have found this introduction to Black Pepper Spells helpful. If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below. If you think someone would find this post useful, please consider sharing it. It really helps.

Blessed be

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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