Apartment Spells


Attraction and glamour magic

Glamour magic can help you start a business, find a lover, boost your confidence, draw financial opportunities to you, or just make you feel good.

Dark magic spells: 3 powerful spells for when you need to work some dark magic

There may be times in a witch's life when they need to use magic for self-defence or justice, or they may want to use black magic to right a wrong or provide negative consequences. In these cases, you may just need some dark magic spells

Elemental magic: adding elemental energies to your magic

A guide to using elemental magic in your magical practice and a simple ritual to connect you with the elemental energies

How to create manifestation spells that really work

Here's how to make personalised manifestation spells that are super powerful.

Candle magic 101

It's lovely to do a little candle magic in the evening as the sun goes down, or late at night when everything feels a...

The Power of Black Candle Spells for Protection, Banishing and Divination

Black candle spells can assist in breaking bad habits, enhancing shadow work, fostering a connection with spirit guides and as an aid to divination practices.

Crafting powerful spell jars: A city witch guide

Spell jars are a simple and versatile way to create magic. This is one reason why spell jar recipes and spells abound on the...

5 Magic spells that use simple ingredients

Don't let a lack of ingredients stop you from making magic. Get started with these 5 simple magic spells. How many times have you wanted...

Honey Jar Spells: 3 Steps to Manifesting a Sweeter Life

A honey jar spell, also known as a sweetening jar, is a form of folk magic used to attract positive energies, sweetness and harmony...

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Lilith: Divine Goddess and Feminist Rebel

Before Eve, there was Lilith. The first woman, created not from Adam's rib but from the same earth as him. Equal, powerful and unwilling...

A Comprehensive Guide to Magical Correspondences

Magical correspondences form the foundation of many magical practices and traditions. These correspondences are the symbolic relationships between various natural elements, celestial bodies, colours, and other aspects of our world. Understanding magical correspondences can enhance your magical practice and help you align your workings with natural energies.

Red Candle Spells: Rituals for Courage, Confidence and Love

Red candle spells harness the element of fire and tap into passionate Mars energy. Their colour vibration resonates with our root chakra, making them particularly powerful for spells involving basic needs, security, passion and personal power. When we work with red candles, we're connecting with centuries of magical tradition that recognises red as the colour of life force itself.