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Magical Practices


The Essential Guide to Intuitive Witchcraft

Intuitive witchcraft is all about letting your intuition guide your witchcraft practice. So, effectively, it can't be taught. However, if you are looking for a guide to help you create a meaningful and effective intuitive witchcraft practice, read on.

How to celebrate Ostara

Ostara iis one of the eight pagan Sabbats within the Wheel of the Year and is named after Eostre or Ostara, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and dawn, from whom the word "Easter" also derives.

5 Magical Full Moon Rituals and Spells

The full moon is the perfect time fr powerful magical work. Choose one or more of the following full moon rituals or spells to embrace the lunar cycles in your life

4 Powerful Moon Spells and Rituals

We can harness the energy of the lunar cycle to empower our magic using moon spells and moon rituals. We can also call on the help of moon goddesses to help us with our moon magic.

Book review: IntuWitchin by Mia Magik

IntuWitchin: learn to speak the language of the Universe and reclaim your inner Magik by Mia Magik IntuWitchin is a lyrical yet practical guide to...

Engaging with the Tarot: The Magician

In the sequence of the Major Arcana, The Magician is numbered as I, marking the beginning of the journey and an initiation into the...

How to celebrate Imbolc

Imbolc, observed around February 1st or 2nd in the Northern Hemisphere, marks a significant point in the Celtic Wheel of the Year. Rooted in ancient traditions, this Sabbat heralds the first signs of spring, symbolising the awakening earth and the gradual return of longer days. Here are a few thoughts on how to celebrate Imbolc.

Engaging with the Tarot: The Fool

The Fool is the first card of the 22 cards in the major arcana of the tarot deck. It typically depicts a young person standing at the edge of a cliff, a small bag in hand, and often accompanied by a small dog. The symbolism in The Fool card is rich and holds various interpretations.

A witches guide to divination

Navigate the art of divination with practical insights. Explore tools like tarot, runes and scrying for a grounded approach to understanding the unknown. Explore the world of divination for a clearer, more informed perspective on your path ahead.

Wintering: embracing the transformative power of rest and reflection

Discover the profound wisdom of 'wintering' – a metaphor for life's quiet seasons. Explore the art of rest, self-care, and reflection during winter, and learn how embracing the dormant periods in our lives can lead to personal growth, renewal and a deeper connection with the cyclical rhythms of nature.

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Black Pepper Spells and Magical Uses

Black Pepper has a rich history of spiritual and magical uses across various cultures and traditions. It can be used in a variety of...

Harnessing the magic of Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

I love working with Artemis as she represents feminine wildness and sacred nature. Whether you choose to worship her as a deity or be...

Shadow Work for Relationships

Shadow work can be a transformative tool for relationships. By looking at our unconscious patterns, beliefs and unresolved emotions, shadow work for relationships can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we show up in relationships.