As the wheel of the year turns, we find ourselves approaching Lughnasadh. This ancient Celtic celebration, also known as Lammas, marks the midpoint between...
Introduction to Esbats
Esbats are an integral part of many witchcraft traditions, serving as regular lunar events that punctuate the magical year. At their core,...
I believe white magic spells are the perfect way to start a witchcraft practice because, so long as your intentions are pure, the outcome is always positive in some way, even if not exactly as you intended! White magic can change your life for the better.
Visualisation is a scientifically backed practice that can bring your goals and dreams into reality. Visualisation can provide you with the clarity and focus to guide you towards both personal and professional success.
Discover how modern witches celebrate Litha, the summer solstice, blending ancient traditions of sun worship with contemporary practices. Explore rituals, spells, and the spiritual significance of this vibrant festival
Animism is the belief that natural entities, such as animals, plants, rocks, rivers and other natural phenomena, possess their own spirit and consciousness, and therefore deserve respect and reverence.
In many spiritual practices, including witchcraft and other pagan traditions, the Dark Moon is considered a powerful time for introspection and inner work.
Intuitive witchcraft is all about letting your intuition guide your witchcraft practice. So, effectively, it can't be taught. However, if you are looking for a guide to help you create a meaningful and effective intuitive witchcraft practice, read on.
Discover how modern science challenges materialism and validates ancient wisdom. Learn practical ways to reconnect with your intuition and break free from materialistic thinking in this guide for the modern witch