Magical Practices


Samhain: A witches guide to a magical Halloween

Samhain marks one of the most significant festivals on the Wheel of the Year, and is often regarded as the witch’s New Year. Celebrated...

5 Simple, Powerful Outdoor Rituals and Spells for Modern Witches

Discover powerful Outdoor Rituals and Spells to harness the natural energy of the earth, trees, and elements. Learn how to manifest intentions, connect with nature, and enhance your magical practice with these simple yet effective rituals."

Mabon: A Witch’s Guide to the Autumn Equinox

Discover how to celebrate Mabon, the autumn equinox, as a modern urban witch. Learn about its history, meaning, and practical ways to honour this magical Sabbat in the city.

Summer Storm Magic Ritual

This summer storm magic ritual is one of my favourite ways to connect with nature's unbridled power and use it as a catalyst for personal transformation

Lughnasadh: A Modern Pagan’s Guide to Celebrating the First Harvest

As the wheel of the year turns, we find ourselves approaching Lughnasadh. This ancient Celtic celebration, also known as Lammas, marks the midpoint between...

Esbats: Celebrating Lunar Magic in Witchcraft

Introduction to Esbats Esbats are an integral part of many witchcraft traditions, serving as regular lunar events that punctuate the magical year. At their core,...

White Magic Spells: A Complete Guide for Beginners (With 4 Simple Spells)

I believe white magic spells are the perfect way to start a witchcraft practice because, so long as your intentions are pure, the outcome is always positive in some way, even if not exactly as you intended! White magic can change your life for the better.

Visualisation Techniques to Help you Achieve your Dreams and Goals

Visualisation is a scientifically backed practice that can bring your goals and dreams into reality. Visualisation can provide you with the clarity and focus to guide you towards both personal and professional success.

Litha: Celebrating the Summer Solstice

Discover how modern witches celebrate Litha, the summer solstice, blending ancient traditions of sun worship with contemporary practices. Explore rituals, spells, and the spiritual significance of this vibrant festival

Exploring Mythos and Logos: Balancing Rational and Symbolic ways of thinking

Using both mythos and logos, or rational and intuitive ways of thinking can help us make better decisions and find deeper meaning in life

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Lilith: Divine Goddess and Feminist Rebel

Before Eve, there was Lilith. The first woman, created not from Adam's rib but from the same earth as him. Equal, powerful and unwilling...

A Comprehensive Guide to Magical Correspondences

Magical correspondences form the foundation of many magical practices and traditions. These correspondences are the symbolic relationships between various natural elements, celestial bodies, colours, and other aspects of our world. Understanding magical correspondences can enhance your magical practice and help you align your workings with natural energies.

Red Candle Spells: Rituals for Courage, Confidence and Love

Red candle spells harness the element of fire and tap into passionate Mars energy. Their colour vibration resonates with our root chakra, making them particularly powerful for spells involving basic needs, security, passion and personal power. When we work with red candles, we're connecting with centuries of magical tradition that recognises red as the colour of life force itself.