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Magical Practices


Inspiring yule traditions for pagans and witches

Yule traditions have evolved over time and vary across cultures, but here are five main Yule traditions that have endured or been revived in different forms.

The Sabbats: how to work with the wheel of the year

The Witches' Sabbats, also known as the Wheel of the Year, are a series of eight festivals celebrated in various modern pagan and witchcraft traditions.

Shadow work for beginners

This article on Shadow work for beginners provides a gentle introduction to the powerful transformative practice of shadow work.

Spiritual alchemy: A witch’s guide to this transformative practice

Spiritual alchemy is a process we can follow to reach spiritual awakening, wisdom and enlightenment. This powerful quest is not for the faint-hearted, it...

Witchcraft altars: 7 powerful ways to use your sacred space

If you recently set up a witchcraft altar, this post will offer some ideas on how to use your new witchy space. If you...

4 ways to overcome spiritual anxiety and witchcraft overwhelm

Spiritual anxiety and overwhelm can hit a witch any time, whether they are a beginner or have years of experience. It can cause us...

Create a versatile witch’s altar in 7 simple steps

7 simple steps to creating a witch's altar

10 Powerful and versatile herbs for spells

Creating a versatile collection of herbs for spells is easier than you might think. The following 10 herbs for spells are available cheaply at your local supermarket.

Powerful crystal manifestation techniques for relationships, abundance, protection and love

crystal manifestation is. powerful way to bring your goals and desires into reality

5 Best witchcraft books for beginner witches

The following witchcraft books are excellent resources for beginners. However, they have all enriched my practice and helped me learn and grow even as a more experienced witch.

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Black Pepper Spells and Magical Uses

Black Pepper has a rich history of spiritual and magical uses across various cultures and traditions. It can be used in a variety of...

Harnessing the magic of Artemis: Goddess of the Hunt

I love working with Artemis as she represents feminine wildness and sacred nature. Whether you choose to worship her as a deity or be...

Shadow Work for Relationships

Shadow work can be a transformative tool for relationships. By looking at our unconscious patterns, beliefs and unresolved emotions, shadow work for relationships can help us gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we show up in relationships.