Creating a Book of Shadows or Grimoire




What are a Book of Shadows and a grimoire used for?

One tool that I think is very powerful in developing a witchcraft practice is a Book of Shadows. This can help you to develop your intentions and goals, work out your ideas, design your practices and record what works for you. Many witches also use a separate grimoire, and some combine the two. These two types of books are slightly different so I will explain them in a bit more detail below.


A grimoire is a place to record information. This can be anything you learn or discover about witchcraft. You can include the uses of herbs, colours, crystals etc… Its a kind of record book or manual.

Some things you might include are:

  • Detailed instructions for magical practices and spellcasting
  • Descriptions of magical tools, symbols and sigils
  • Lists of ingredients and materials needed for magical workings
  • Astrological information and correspondences
  • Spell recipes
  • Ritual instructions
  • Divination methods

Well-known historical grimoires include the Key of Solomon, the Picatrix, and the Goetia. These texts were often thought to contain ancient, esoteric knowledge passed down through generations of occult practitioners.

Book of Shadows

A book of shadows is a more personal record. Here you can work out your intentions, do shadow work and record the spells and rituals you have completed along with their results. This journal will help you develop your magical practice.

You might include:

  • Rituals, spells, and magical workings you are planning or have completed
  • Invocations, incantations, and chants you have used or want to use
  • Instructions for creating ritual tools and objects
  • Personal magical experiences and reflections
  • Drawings, symbols, and sigils
  • Recipes for potions, oils, and magical mixtures you have used or are planning to use
  • Record of initiations, dedications, or other ceremonial events
  • Nature observations and seasonal notes
  • Meditations, visualisations, and shamanic journeying techniques
  • A record of tarot or other divination readings
  • Ethics, philosophy and theological beliefs of your practice or tradition

As you can see there is some crossover between the two books and it is perfectly okay to combine the information into a single book if you choose. Some people have one notebook or folder in which they record everything about their magical journey. Others like to have two different types of books. Still others have various journals for a multitude of purposes, one for herbs and one for crystals perhaps, or one to record tarot spreads. How you organise your information is up to you.

Your journal can be any kind of book or digital document you choose. If you are using a physical notebook choose one which is fairly large as this makes it easier for your thoughts to flow when you are journaling. If you regularly journal outside the house then choose a book that fits into your bag. If you like to sketch, paint, or decorate your work then use a plain notebook or sketchbook. You can also use a refillable planner or notebook, ring binder or folder for your magical journal. This allows you to organise your ideas into sections and add and remove things easily.

For my Book of Shadows I like to use a notebook. I leave a few pages blank at the front of the book so I can create a contents page. I number each page and write its subject on the contents page. This makes it easy for me to find information when I need it.

However, my Book of Shadows is not a wonderful leather journal full of beautifully written pages. It’s a mess. There are notes, scribbles, crossings out and doodles. Much of the content is stream of consciousness as I try to work things out about my magic and my life. If I do write something I want to refer back to, I usually copy it out into my grimoire where it can be organised and written neatly.

My grimoire is where I record things I have learned such as crystal meanings, colour meanings, the uses of herbs, spells I have learned from other witches or books, and so on. I use a ring binder for my grimoire because I can order it into sections and add additional information easily.

Creating Your Book of Shadows

  • Choose a notebook, ring binder or digital format as well as any additional items such as dividers or apps.
  • You can write a title on your journal, decorate it, cover it or disguise it in any way you choose.
  • If you are using a physical notebook, cleanse it by moving it through the smoke or by clapping or ringing a bell all around it. You can do the same thing around your laptop or other digital device if you choose. 
  • Some people like to put some information about themselves, such as their name, star sign or witchcraft path at the front of the journal.
  • If you are Wiccan you might like to start with the Wiccan Rede.
  • Or might like to start your journal with an entry on what you hope to learn or gain from witchcraft. You might think about the changes you would like to make in your life with the help of your magical practice. Consider what you want to let go of, what you want to honour about yourself and what you would like to invite into your life.
  • You may want to organise your Book of Shadows with page numbers and a contents page or with dividers. I would suggest getting more dividers than you think you need so that you can add more sections later.

Ultimately, both the Book of Shadows and grimoire are powerful tools that can enhance a witch’s practice, deepen their understanding of the craft, and serve as a tangible record of their unique magical journey. Whether you chooses to utilise these resources separately or in conjunction, they can be invaluable companions on the path of spiritual exploration and self-discovery.

If you would like to read more on using your book of shadows, Check out my post on how to Cleanse, Empower and Consecrate Book of Shadows

I hope this has helped you get started with creating a Book or Shadows and/ or a grimoire. How do you organise your magical information? Let us know in the comments below

Blessed be


Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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