Hedge Witchcraft: Walking Between Worlds


Hedge witchcraft is a solitary and intuitive practice that emphasises our connection with the natural world, local spirits and traditional healing wisdom. Unlike more structured magical traditions, we work primarily with what nature provides in our immediate environment: local plants, seasonal changes and the wild creatures that cross our path. As hedge witches, we walk the boundary between the mundane and magical worlds – just as our ancestors did when tending the hedgerows that marked the edge of their villages.

The term “hedge” refers to more than just physical boundaries. In our practice, it represents the veil between the physical and spiritual realms. We are walkers between worlds, often working closely with plant spirits and engaging in practices like meditation, herbalism and dream work to strengthen our connection to the otherworld.

Key aspects of hedge witchcraft include:

  • Creating relationships with local plants and their spirits
  • Crafting remedies from herbs and natural materials
  • Working with moon phases and seasonal cycles
  • Maintaining a magical garden or foraging responsibly
  • Developing journeying practices
  • Keeping a detailed journal of experiences and observations
  • Learning protective techniques for spiritual work

Working with the Natural World

Building a meaningful relationship with your local environment is a key aspect of hedge witchcraft. Each place has its own character, spirits and rhythms waiting to be discovered by those who take time to listen and observe. The Romans called this the genius loci – the spirit or guardian of each place – which gives every location its unique character and energy, from wild moorland to urban gardens. These spirits are shaped by the land’s history, the creatures that dwell there, the plants that grow, and the patterns of weather and human activity that have occurred over time.

Understanding Your Local Environment

Take time to learn about your area’s natural history. What plants are native here? Which are the oldest trees? Where does water naturally flow? Notice the subtle changes in landforms, the direction of prevailing winds and how wildlife moves through the space. How does the area make you feel? Can you hear any messages from the land or specific plants or trees? Begin mapping your local area – both physically and energetically – in order to deepen your hedge witchcraft practice.

Building Relationships with Plants

To begin building a relationships with plants and their spirits, begin by choosing two or three local plants or trees to work with. These might be in your garden, local park, or growing through cracks in the pavement. To find the plants that want to work with you, take a walk and keep your mind clear and open to any messages you receive from plant spirits. If there are already particular trees or plants you love and visit often, then you are already working with their energy.

Visit your plant friends regularly through the seasons and observe their cycles. Learn their traditional names and uses, but also develop your own understanding of their qualities:

  • How do they respond to different weather?
  • What insects and birds visit them?
  • When do they flower, fruit and seed?
  • What is their growth pattern?
  • How do they feel energetically?

Creating a Witch’s Garden

Whether you have a large garden or simply a windowsill, growing plants strengthens your connection to the natural world. Consider growing:

  • Culinary herbs that double as magical allies
  • Plants that attract pollinators and birds
  • Traditional healing herbs suited to your climate
  • Plants associated with protection and boundaries
  • Native species that support local wildlife

When you work in this way, your garden or windowsill becomes a living altar, a place where you can directly interact with plant spirits and natural cycles. Each act of tending becomes a ritual in itself, deepening your connection to nature and its rhythms.

The Spiritual Elements

The spiritual side of hedge witchcraft interweaves naturally with its practical aspects. As we walk between worlds, we learn to perceive and interact with the unseen forces that animate our environment.

Meeting Land Spirits

Land spirits dwell in every place – from wild forests to city parks. Building relationships with them requires patience, respect and consistency. You might like to begin with the following practices.

  • Sit quietly in one spot regularly
  • Clean and tend to natural spaces
  • Speak your intentions aloud
  • Listen more than you speak
  • Leave small, biodegradable offerings (water, honey, oats)

Working with Plant Allies

Plant allies are those plants that resonate particularly strongly with your hedge witchcraft practice. They often appear repeatedly in your life or draw your attention in unusual ways. To deepen this connection, you might like to:

  • Spend time near them regularly
  • Learn their traditional and modern uses
  • Share your breath with them
  • Notice how they affect your energy
  • Ask permission before harvesting
  • Thank them for their gifts

Understanding Boundaries and Liminal Spaces

Liminal spaces – those in-between places where worlds meet – hold particular significance in hedge witchcraft. You could work with:

  • Physical boundaries like hedgerows, streams and crossroads
  • Temporal boundaries like dawn and dusk
  • Seasonal transitions
  • Threshold spaces in your home
  • Places where landscapes change such as where the beach meets the ocean

Protection Practices

Working between worlds requires solid spiritual protection. Before undertaking hedge riding, you should develop some of the following skills.

  • Grounding and centring
  • Creating energetic boundaries
  • Working with protective plants
  • Building relationships with guardian spirits
  • Understanding when to step back
  • Reading omens and warnings

Your spiritual practice should feel natural and aligned with your intuition. Each hedge witch develops their own way of working with these unseen aspects, guided by experience and traditional knowledge.

Practical Skills

The daily work of a hedge witch combines mundane and magical practices, each enriching the other. These foundational skills form the basis of your craft and grow more nuanced with time and practice.

Basic Herbalism

Herbalism lies at the heart of hedge witchcraft practice. Here are some suggestions for ways to work Herbalism into your practice.

  • Start with common kitchen herbs
  • Learn proper plant identification
  • Understand basic preparations like teas, tinctures, and oils
  • Study traditional and modern safety guidelines
  • Keep detailed records of your work
  • Track the lunar and seasonal timing of your preparations

Creating Simple Charms

Charm crafting is the practice of combining specific ingredients with focused magical intention to create powerful spiritual tools. Each charm brings together carefully selected items – such as herbs, stones, feathers, or wood – bound with purpose and activated through personal energy work and ritual. The process of creating charms allows hedge witches to unite the physical and spiritual aspects of their craft, capturing specific intentions within objects that can be carried, hung in the home, or buried on the land for protection and blessing.

You might like to:

  • Bundle herbs for specific purposes
  • Create protective sachets
  • Tie intention-setting knots
  • Work with found natural objects
  • Craft seasonal talismans

Keeping a Witch’s Journal

One of the quickest ways to develop as a witch is to record your journey. Your journal or Book of Shadows is the perfect place to store information as well as to record your workings. This can help you learn and develop your practice as you can look back at what you did and what worked for you as well as having a readily available source of information that is relevant to your practice

  • Record daily observations
  • Sketch plants and their growth patterns
  • Note dreams and omens
  • Track the effectiveness of your workings
  • Document recipes and formulas
  • Map local magical spots
  • Write down any spirit communications

Moon Phase Work

The cycles of the Moon offer natural rhythms that enhance and guide hedge witchcraft practice throughout the month. Different phases of the Moon hold distinct energies and properties, from the quiet potential of the dark Moon to the vibrant power of the full Moon, making them ideal times for specific types of magical and spiritual work. Understanding and working with these lunar energies allows hedge witches to align their craft with natural cycles, choosing optimal times for everything from herb gathering to spirit work.

  • New Moon: Planning and setting intentions
  • Waxing Moon: Building and growing energy
  • Full Moon: Maximum power and manifestation
  • Waning Moon: Releasing and banishing
  • Dark Moon: Deep spiritual work and divination

Practical Rituals

The following foundational hedge witchcraft rituals will help you develop your practice. Each can be adapted to suit your specific environment and needs.

Morning Greeting to the Land

This simple daily hedge witchcraft ritual helps establish your connection with the spirits of place.

  1. At dawn or when you first go outside, face the rising sun
  2. Ground yourself by feeling your connection to the earth
  3. Take three deep breaths, sending awareness into the land beneath your feet
  4. Speak a simple greeting (example):
    “I greet the spirits of this place
    The stones beneath, the air above
    The plants that grow, the creatures that roam
    May we work together in harmony this day”
  5. Stand in silence for a moment to receive any messages or impressions
  6. Leave a small offering of water or birdseed

Meeting Land Spirits

This hedge witchcraft ritual helps open communication with local spirits.

  1. Choose a quiet spot in nature
  2. Create a simple circle with natural items
  3. Bring offerings (honey, clean water, oats)
  4. Sit quietly and announce your intentions:
    “I come in peace and respect
    Seeking to know the spirits of this place
    I offer friendship and care
    May we come to know each other well”
  5. Sit in meditation for as long as you feel comfortable
  6. Note any impressions, feelings, or messages
  7. Thank the spirits and leave your offering
  8. Return regularly to the same spot

Basic Plant Communication Practice

This ritual can deepen your connection with the spirits of plants.

  1. Choose a healthy plant to work with
  2. Sit comfortably nearby
  3. Ground and centre yourself
  4. Focus on your breathing until it becomes slow and steady
  5. Observe the plant with all your senses
  6. Imagine your energy extending gently toward the plant
  7. Remain open to any impressions
  8. Thank the plant and note your experiences

Tea Ritual for Deepening Spiritual Connection

This soothing mindful ritual is perfect for when you energy feels scattered. It can also be used before more in depth rituals and practices to settle and focus your energy and intention.

  1. First, choose appropriate herbs (rosemary for clarity, mint for energy, chamomile for spirit work)
  2. Now, mindfully prepare your space
  3. Heat some water while focusing on your intention
  4. Add the herbs to your cup focusing on their purpose in this ritual purpose
  5. As the tea steeps, chant or speak your intention
  6. Drink your tea mindfully, noting any insights that come to you
  7. Read the leaves if you feel called to

These rituals form a foundation for deeper hedge witchcraft. Practice them regularly, adapting them as needed to suit your path.

Developing Your Practice

As you grow more comfortable with the foundations of hedge witchcraft, your practice will naturally evolve into something uniquely yours. This section explores how to deepen and expand your craft.

Creating Your Own Rituals

Build personal rituals that reflect your relationship with the land:

  • Notice which practices resonate most strongly
  • Incorporate local seasonal markers
  • Work with the specific spirits of your area
  • Use materials naturally available to you
  • Allow your intuition to guide the structure
  • Keep what works, adapt what doesn’t

Seasonal Celebrations

Working with the Wheel of the Year can help us to tune into nature’s cycles. However to deepen this practice further we can create our own seasonal celebrations and rituals based on local seasonal changes.

  • Mark local seasonal changes rather than calendar dates
  • Note when specific plants emerge and fade
  • Track animal and bird migrations
  • Record weather patterns
  • Document traditional local customs
  • Create celebrations that honour your specific environment

Advanced Hedge Riding Preparation

Hedge riding preparation requires dedicated practice and a strong foundation in spiritual protection before venturing into deeper journeying work between worlds. Moving safely between ordinary and non-ordinary reality demands both practical skills and spiritual awareness, including the development of relationships with guardian spirits and the creation of sacred space.

You might like to work on:

  • Establishing strong protection practices
  • Building relationships with guardian spirits
  • Developing clear methods of grounding
  • Creating sacred space that feels secure
  • Setting specific intentions for each journey
  • Maintaining physical and spiritual boundaries
  • Keeping detailed records of your experiences

Meeting Your Guardian Spirit Pathworking

The practice of meeting your guardian spirit is an ancient one, found in spiritual traditions across many cultures. Guardian spirits are benevolent entities who watch over, guide and protect us throughout our lives. Whether you view them as angels, spirit guides, power animals, or ancestral protectors, these beings can offer wisdom, comfort and guidance on your spiritual journey.

The following pathworking meditation creates a sacred and protected space for your first formal meeting with your guardian spirit. While they may have already been present in your life, this guided journey helps establish a clearer, more conscious connection.

You may like to record yourself reading the following script.

Before beginning, it’s helpful to:

  • Choose a quiet time when you won’t be interrupted
  • Create a peaceful environment (you might want to light a candle, play instrumental music, or use incense)
  • Have a journal nearby to record your experience afterward
  • Approach the meditation with an open mind and heart
  • Trust that whatever experience you have is perfect for you at this time

Everyone’s experience with their guardian spirit is unique. Your guardian may appear differently than expected, and communication might happen through feelings, symbols, or direct knowing rather than words. Trust your intuition and allow the connection to unfold naturally.

Find a comfortable, quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Settle into a relaxed position and take several deep, cleansing breaths. With each exhale, feel tension melting away from your body. Close your eyes.

Visualise a sphere of protective white light forming around you, starting at your crown and flowing down to encompass your entire being. This light keeps you safe and shields you as you journey to meet your guardian.

Picture yourself standing before an ancient stone archway covered in emerald moss and delicate vines. Through the arch, you can see the beginning of a forest path winding into the distance. The air is fresh and clean, carrying the scent of pine and wildflowers.

The path beneath your feet is soft with fallen pine needles. Tall trees rise on either side, their branches creating a natural cathedral ceiling high above. Dappled sunlight filters through the leaves, dancing on the ground before you. Listen to the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze and the distant calls of birds.

As you walk forward, notice how the air becomes increasingly thick with magic and possibility. Small lights, like fireflies, begin to appear among the trees, guiding your way forward. The path curves gently to the right, and you follow its natural flow.

Up ahead, you see the path opens into a circular grove. Take your time approaching this sacred space. Notice how the energy shifts and deepens as you draw closer.

Entering the grove, you find yourself in a perfect circle of ancient trees. Their trunks are wider than your outstretched arms could encompass. In the centre of the grove is a stone bench, covered with soft moss. You take a seat on this bench.

Now, become aware of a presence drawing near. This is your guardian spirit approaching in whatever form is right for your connection. They might appear as:

  • A being of pure light
  • An animal
  • A human-like figure
  • A nature spirit
  • Or any form that resonates with your highest good

Don’t force or try to control the appearance. Allow your guardian to reveal themselves naturally. They may communicate through words, images, feelings, or pure knowing.

Take time to be with your guardian. You might:

  • Ask their name or how you should know them
  • Listen for any guidance they wish to share
  • Feel the quality of their energy
  • Express gratitude for their presence
  • Establish how you can connect with them in the future

When your time together feels complete for now, thank your guardian spirit. Know that you can return to strengthen this connection whenever you wish.

Turn back to the forest path, carrying the energy and wisdom of this meeting with you. Walk back slowly, allowing the experience to integrate.

As you approach the stone arch pause to acknowledge the sacred nature of what has transpired. Step through when you’re ready.

The sphere of white light is still around you, helping you transition back. Take three deep breaths. On each inhale, draw in the energy of your guardian’s presence. On each exhale, ground that energy into your physical being.

Gradually become aware of your surroundings. Wiggle your fingers and toes. When you feel ready, open your eyes.

Take time to journal about your experience while it’s fresh. You might want to sketch any images you saw or write down any messages received. Remember, this is the beginning of an ongoing relationship with your guardian spirit.

Safety and Ethics

The path of hedge witchcraft carries important responsibilities to ourselves, our community and the natural world. Understanding these ensures our practice remains both safe and respectful.

Responsible Wildcrafting

When gathering from the wild:

  • Never harvest rare or protected species
  • Take only what you need and can use
  • Leave enough for wildlife and plant reproduction
  • Harvest away from polluted areas
  • Never take more than a quarter of any plant population
  • Learn sustainable harvesting techniques
  • Thank the plants and leave an offering

Plant Identification Basics

For your safety and others:

  • Learn to identify plants with absolute certainty
  • Use multiple trusted sources for verification
  • Know local toxic plants and their look-alikes
  • Keep detailed notes with photos and drawings
  • Start with common, easily identified plants
  • Join local plant identification groups
  • Consider taking certified courses

Spiritual Protection

Maintain spiritual hygiene through:

  • Regular grounding and shielding
  • Cleansing your space and tools
  • Setting clear boundaries with spirits
  • Knowing when to step back
  • Maintaining physical and mental health
  • Having trusted mentors or companions
  • Developing strong discernment

Respecting Local Traditions

Honour the heritage of your hedge witchcraft practice:

  • Research local folklore and customs
  • Acknowledge indigenous traditions without appropriating them
  • Learn the history of your area
  • Connect with local practitioner groups when appropriate
  • Share knowledge responsibly
  • Support local conservation efforts
  • Give back to your community

This foundation of ethical practice ensures the sustainability and integrity of your path as a hedge witch.

Embracing the Hedge Witch’s Path

The way of the hedge witch is one of deep connection – to the land, to the spirits and to the ancient wisdom that flows through both. From those first steps of establishing a daily practice to developing advanced spiritual work, each part of the path builds upon what came before.

As you begin or continue your journey, remember that hedge witchcraft is a highly personal practice that develops through direct experience. The information shared here provides a framework, but your own relationships with the land, plants and spirits will ultimately guide your way. Through careful observation, respectful interaction and patient practice, you’ll develop a craft that is uniquely yours while remaining true to the core principles of hedge witchcraft.

Blessed be on your Hedge witch journey.

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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