New Moon Spells, Rituals and Practices for Powerful Transformations


The New Moon is often considered a powerful and mystical phase in the lunar cycle. This phase, where the moon is not visible from Earth, symbolises new beginnings, fresh starts and the planting of seeds for future intentions. So it is the perfect time for some New Moon spells and rituals associated with gaining clarity on what we want in our lives and beginning the process of manifesting our goals and desires.

In magical practices, the New Moon is seen as a time to harness energy for setting intentions, manifesting desires and initiating personal transformations. This makes it an ideal period for New Moon spells, rituals and practices aimed at new ventures and spiritual growth. Its darkness also provides a fertile ground for introspection and the quiet nurturing of goals. The new moon’s magic invites us to embrace the potential of the unknown, align with our deepest aspirations and set the stage for the manifestation of our goals and desires.

In this post, I have outlined lots of wonderful New Moon spells and practices for you to try on the next New Moon. These practices align with the New Moon’s energy, promoting growth, renewal and the manifestation of your deepest desires. Choose the ones that resonate most with you and your intentions. There is also a full New Moon Spell for manifestation at the end of the post.

Setting Intentions

The New Moon is a great time for setting intentions for the lunar month ahead and beyond. You might like to:

  • Create a list of personal goals, desires, or projects you want to start.
  • Make a vision board with images and words representing your aspirations.

New Moon Meditation

The New Moon is a lovely time to spend time in meditation, allowing your intuition to guide you as you begin the new lunar month. You might like to try:

  • Using a guided meditation to focus on new beginnings and fresh starts.
  • Sitting quietly, visualising a blank slate, and imagining the possibilities the new moon brings.

Cleansing and Purification Rituals

The new moon is a good time for cleansing the old and creating fresh new energy in your space and yourself to begin the new lunar month. Try:

  • Cleansing your space by burning herbs, diffusing essential oils, or using a bell or singing bowl to disperse stagnant energy.
  • Taking a cleansing ritual bath with sea salt and essential oils or herbs to purify your body and mind.

Creating Talismans or Amulets

You might like to create a talisman or amulet and charge it under the New Moon. Talismans and amulets are objects believed to possess magical properties that offer protection, luck or specific benefits to their bearer. Talismans are typically created to attract or amplify certain energies, while amulets are usually worn or carried for protection against negative influences.

  • Make a talisman or amulet using materials that resonate with your intentions, such as herbs, stones and charms.
  • Charge the talisman or amulet under the new moon with specific intentions for protection, luck or love.

New Moon Journaling

The New Moon is a great time to journal, reflecting on where you are in life and where you want to go next! You might like to:

  • Write about your current state and what you hope to achieve or change.
  • Create a list of affirmations that align with your goals and repeat them daily.


Using divination at the new moon can provide valuable insights and guidance for new beginnings, helping to clarify intentions and illuminate the path forward in the upcoming lunar cycle. Use divination to:

  • Perform a Tarot or Oracle card reading focused on new beginnings, guidance and insight for the upcoming cycle.
  • Scrying with a mirror, crystal ball or bowl of water to tap into heightened intuitive energies, allowing for deep reflection and the revelation of hidden truths.

3 Simple New Moon Spells

These three spells are perfect if you don’t have time for a full ritual this New Moon

1. New Moon Spell for Abundance

Fill a small jar with dried herbs associated with abundance (like basil or cinnamon), a few coins, and a written note of what you wish to attract (e.g., financial prosperity). Seal the jar, place it in a prominent spot, and visualise abundance flowing into your life each time you see it.

2. New Moon Spell for Health

Take an envelope and fill it with herbs known for promoting health (such as ginger or rosemary), a small piece of quartz crystal, and a note describing your health goals or desires. Seal the envelope and write an affirmation on it. Place the envelope somewhere you’ll see regularly, focusing on your affirmation for well-being and vitality each day.

3. Seven-Day Candle Spell for Success

This candle magic New Moon spell can be done in just a few minutes a day but builds up over a week to create powerful transformations

What You Need:

  • A large pillar or container candle or seven tea lights, birthday candles or spell candles
  • A piece of paper and pen
  • A small dish of water
  • A small crystal (optional)

What to Do

Day 1: Set Intentions

  • Write your specific intentions for your New Moon Spell on the paper.
  • Light the candle, while visualising your goals, and place the paper under or near it.
  • Sprinkle a few drops of water around the candle and place the crystal beside it.

Days 2 to 7: Daily Ritual

  • Light the candle each day.
  • Visualise your intentions and affirm success.
  • Extinguish the candle when you have finished.

After Seven Days:

Thank the energies and reflect on any progress.

New Moon Spell for Manifesting your Goals

Harness potent energy with this New Moon spell designed to manifest your goals and desires. Follow these simple steps to set your intentions and nurture their growth throughout the lunar cycle.

What You Need

  • A quiet, undisturbed space
  • A small candle or LED candle (white or silver)
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A small bowl of water
  • A small crystal (optional, for added energy)
  • Sage or incense (optional, for cleansing)

What to Do

  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Cleanse the area by burning incense or ringing a bell to clear any negative energy.
  • Place the candle in the centre of your space.
  • Arrange the paper, pen, bowl of water, and crystal (if using) around the candle.
  • Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths.
  • Visualise roots growing from your body into the earth, grounding you.
  • Light the candle, focusing on the flame. This represents the spark of new beginnings.
  • On the piece of paper, write down your intentions or goals for this lunar cycle. Be specific and positive.
  • As you write, visualise your intentions manifesting and coming to fruition.
  • Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes.
  • Visualise a bright, white light surrounding you and infusing the paper with positive energy and intention.
  • Dip your fingers into the bowl of water and sprinkle a few drops onto the paper, symbolising the nurturing of your intentions.
  • If you have a crystal, hold it over the candle flame for a moment, then place it on top of the paper to amplify the energy.
  • Speak your intentions aloud, affirming your desires and commitment to them.
  • Fold the paper and place it under the candle or in a special place where it can stay until the Full Moon.
  • Take a moment to thank the energies and elements that assisted you.
  • Blow out the candle, knowing that your intentions have been set into motion.
  • Each day until the Full Moon, take a moment to visualise your intentions and feel gratitude as if they have already manifested.

This New Moon spell helps harness the energy of new beginnings, setting the stage for your desires to grow and flourish throughout the lunar cycle.

Whether you choose to set intentions, meditate, cleanse your space, create talismans, journal, perform divination, or create a New Moon spell, each practice will help you align with the transformative power of the New Moon. Take this opportunity to plant the seeds for your future. Try these New Moon spells and rituals, and watch as your intentions come to life in the upcoming lunar cycle.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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