Red Candle Spells: Rituals for Courage, Confidence and Love


Red candle spells are particularly effective because they harness the element of fire and tap into passionate Mars energy. When we work with red candles, we’re connecting with centuries of magical tradition that recognises red as the colour of life force itself.

Red Candle Magic

Red candles have traditionally been associated with powerful energetic properties in various magical traditions. They can be used in spells focused on courage, strength, vitality and motivation. In love magic, red candles may be incorporated into rituals designed to kindle romance or reignite existing relationships. They’re also commonly used in spells intended to boost personal power, improve confidence, or provide protection. Some witches use red candles in healing work, particularly for issues related to blood, circulation, or physical energy. The colour’s association with Mars in astrological traditions means red candles are often used in spells dealing relating to competition, ambition, or overcoming obstacles.

Before You Begin

It’s a good idea to prepare your candles for magical use before you begin. Many witches cleanse, bless or anoint their candles or charge them with energy and intentions. You may wish to may dress your candles with corresponding oils and herbs to enhance their perceived magical properties. Some witches also time their use with specific moon phases or days of the week to amplify their magic.

Alternatives to Red Candles

If you want to try a red candle spell, but you cannot use candles, you can use red LED candles or a lamp with a red bulb instead. You can cleanse them with many of the methods below but, obviously, do not anoint them with oils or use water to cleanse them.

Preparing Your Candle

New candles often carry the energy or the imprint of others who have handled them so they need to be cleansed before you begin.

Here’s are some ways you can cleanse your candles.

Wipe with moon water

Cleansing with moon water removes unwanted energies and resets the candle ready for use. Cleanse from the middle to the ends to remove energetic imprints. The middle represents the present moment, and we’re clearing both past (bottom) and future (top) influences.

Pass through cleansing smoke

Use smoke to completely envelope the candle. You can burn herbs like sage or rosemary on a charcoal disc or use an incense cone or stick. Visualise the smoke carrying away any unwanted energies.

Leave in moonlight overnight

The moon’s light naturally cleanses and charges magical tools. Full moonlight is ideal but any moon phase works. Place the candle on a windowsill if you can’t put it outside.

Anoint with appropriate oil

Anointing your candles is an optional step. Oil creates a personal connection between you and the candle. In addition, you can use oils that have magical correspondences to the spell you are working. Apply the oil from the ends to the middle if you wish to draw something, or from the middle to the ends if you are banishing something. Always use your dominant hand and maintain focus on your intention. If you are using essential oils, blend them with a carrier oil such as olive or almond oil first as most can be irritating to the skin. Only use a dab of oil and never leave an oiled candle unattended as oils can be flammable.

Best Timing for Red Candle Spells

You may choose to time your spells to align your work with natural magical currents, though a spell worked with strong intention is always better than waiting for perfect timing. Here are some timing options:

  • Tuesday brings Mars energy which is perfect for red candle spells needing strength, courage and decisive action. The hour just after sunrise enhances this energy.
  • Friday carries Venus energy which is ideal for red candle spells for love and self-love work. The evening hours are particularly potent.
  • The waxing moon supports growth because, as the moon grows fuller, it helps draw things toward you. Each night adds power to manifestation spells.
  • The full moon maximises power. The peak of lunar energy amplifies all magical work. The hours around midnight are especially powerful.

Confidence Boosting Spell

Red candle spells are great for building confidence. This spell builds your faith in yourself gradually over three nights, allowing the energy to root deeply in your psyche. It is a very simple spell, but it is nonetheless very powerful as it works mainly with intention and visualisation to achieve its effects.

You Will Need

  • A red taper candle, container candle or votive candle that will burn for at least half an hour
  • Cinnamon oil or toothpick
  • Tiger’s eye (confidence) or clear quartz (amplification)
  • Fireproof surface
  • Matches or lighter

Begin by creating your sacred space in any way you choose.

Cleanse your candle and anoint it with the cinnamon oil if you are using this. Alternatively, you may carve a triangle into your candle with a toothpick to represent fire energy.

Place your crystal at the base of the candle, light the candle and visualise yourself radiating confidence. Let the candle burn for 9 minutes while meditating on your sense of confidence and personal power. It might help to remember a time when you felt confident, such as after passing your driving test or an exam, when you got a new job or any time you achieved something you are proud of. When the 9 minutes is up, extinguish the candle.

Repeat for three nights. If there is still candle remaining you can let it burn down on the final day or continue the spell for further nights.

Quick Energy Boost Spell

This quick and easy red candle spell can give you a burst of positive energy. Use a birthday candle to keep this ritual short and sweet. I like to use this spell in the morning to set me up for the day ahead.

You Will Need

  • Red birthday candle
  • Cinnamon or orange oil diluted in a carrier oil

Anoint the candle with the oil. Light the candle and say: “Swift and bright this flame does burn, energy and strength return. Power flowing, swift and free, energy now flows through me.”

Let the small candle burn completely while taking some deep breaths and visualising yourself full of energy.

Self-Love Red Candle Spell

This red candle spell combines the passionate energy of the red candle with the gentle vibration of rose quartz to create a powerful self-love ritual. The use of a mirror adds depth to the working, allowing you to literally face yourself with compassion while the spell unfolds.

You Will Need

  • Red candle (a pillar or thick taper works best for carving)
  • Rose oil or lavender oil blended with a carrier oil such as olive or almond
  • Rose quartz
  • Mirror
  • Carving tool or toothpick
  • Fireproof surface
  • Matches or lighter

Choose a quiet time when you won’t be disturbed. This red candle spell works best in the evening hours when the veil between physical and spiritual realms naturally thins. Clear your altar or working space, and cleanse it with your preferred method. The ritual space should feel peaceful and nurturing.

Hold the red candle in your hands and feel its potential. The red colour resonates with your root chakra, grounding the self-love you’re cultivating into your daily reality.

Carve a heart symbol into the candle – this represents self-love in its purest form. Then carve your name below it. If you work with magical scripts or runes, you might choose to translate your name into these. The key is that the carved name feels personally significant to you. It doesn’t matter if the carving isn’t clear, its the symbolism of the act that counts.

Rose oil carries a high vibrational frequency, making it perfect for love work. However it is very expensive so feel free to use lavender oil or any other flower oil instead.

To anoint the candle:

  1. Warm the oil between your palms to activate its properties
  2. Starting at the top of the candle, work downward towards the middle
  3. Next start at the bottom of the candle and work upwards to the middle

As you anoint, feel the love you’d give to a dear friend or beloved pet – then direct that same tender energy toward yourself.

Position your mirror so it can reflect both the candle flame and your face. Place the red candle in front of the mirror, but far enough away to prevent heat damage. The rose quartz goes between them, acting as a bridge between your physical self (reflection) and your inner light (candle flame).

Light your red candle. As you do, say these words with conviction:

“As this flame burns bright and true, self-love grows in me anew. In my heart and in my mind, perfect love and peace I find.”

Sit comfortably before your mirror. The combined light of the red candle spell and the presence of rose quartz creates a gentle, loving atmosphere. Look into your own eyes in the mirror. This might feel uncomfortable at first – that discomfort often signals areas where self-love needs to grow.

Now comes the heart of this red candle spell. Look at yourself in the mirror and speak aloud three things you genuinely love about yourself. These should be more than physical traits – consider your resilience, your kindness, your creativity. Speak them with conviction, as if to a dear friend:

“I love my ability to…” “I love how I…” “I love my gift for…”

Let yourself feel the truth of each statement. If emotions arise, let them flow – they’re part of the healing this spell facilitates.

Allow the candle to burn for as long as feels comfortable, ideally at least fifteen minutes. During this time, you might:

  • Write in your journal about self-love
  • Create affirmations for the coming month
  • Meditate on opening your heart chakra
  • Simply sit in the energy of self-acceptance

Before extinguishing the flame, thank yourself for showing up for this work. Collect any wax drippings to add to future self-love spells. The rose quartz will be charged with the spell’s energy – carry it with you or place it by your bed to continue the work.

Before we explore any red candle spells for love, it’s important to understand the ethics of such workings. Love magic should never attempt to influence or manipulate another person’s free will. Such attempts not only violate ethical principles but often backfire, potentially causing harm to all involved. Instead, focus love and passion spells on:

  • Enhancing existing connections with consenting partners
  • Opening yourself to love
  • Healing your own heart
  • Creating an environment where love can flourish
  • Working on self-love and confidence

Any spell that attempts to override someone’s free will isn’t love magic – it’s manipulation. The following red candle spell for rekindling passion should only be used within established, consensual relationships where both partners wish to deepen their connection.

Passion Rekindling Red Candle Spell

This red candle spell works to revitalise the natural passion within an existing relationship. It’s designed for couples who both want to renew their connection, making it perfect for long-term partnerships that need a spark of fresh energy.

You Will Need

  • Two red candles in candle holders (representing each partner)
  • Red string or cord
  • Fireproof surface
  • Matches or lighter
  • Small piece of paper and pen

Ideally, begin this red candle spell on a Friday (Venus’s day) during the waxing moon. The seven-day duration allows the energy to build gradually and naturally, much like the organic growth of a healthy relationship.

First, have an honest conversation with your partner about working magic together. This spell’s power comes partly from both parties consenting to and supporting the magical work. Once you have this agreement, prepare your candles.

On your candle, carve your own name and a symbol that represents what you bring to the relationship. On the second candle, with your partner’s permission, carve their name and a symbol representing what you most appreciate about them. This appreciation focuses on celebrating rather than changing your partner. As you carve the candles focus on:

  • Gratitude for your relationship
  • Memories of times when passion flowed naturally
  • Hopes for deeper connection

Begin with the candles six inches apart on a safe fireproof surface. This distance represents respect for each person’s individuality – a crucial foundation for healthy passion.

Each night, move the candles slightly closer together. This gradual progression honours the natural rhythm of intimacy.

Focus on how each candle’s flame dances independently while contributing to the overall light – much like healthy partners in a relationship.

When the candles touch on the seventh night, tie them together with the red string, saying:

“Two flames dancing, wild and free, together bright, yet each unique. In perfect balance, passion flows, as love between us freely grows.”

Let the candles burn completely while meditating on the balance between togetherness and independence.

Courage Building Red Candle Spell

This powerful red candle spell helps transmute fear into courage. It works with the transformative properties of fire to burn away what holds you back while igniting your inner strength. The spell combines sympathetic magic (burning away fear) with colour magic (red for courage) and crystal energy (black tourmaline for protection during transformation).

If you do not have a black crystal you can use an ordinary stone found in your garden or on a walk.

You will need

  • Red candle (a thick pillar candle works best)
  • Black tourmaline (or other protective crystal)
  • White paper
  • Red pen
  • Fireproof cauldron or dish
  • Matches or lighter
  • Salt for circle casting (optional)

This red candle spell works best during the waning moon, as you’re banishing fear. Tuesday evening adds Mars energy for extra courage. However, when fear feels overwhelming, timing becomes secondary to need – work this spell when your spirit calls for it.

Begin by sitting quietly with your paper and pen. Consider what truly frightens you. Look beyond surface fears to their roots. Instead of writing “public speaking,” you might realise your deeper fear is “being judged harshly.” Understanding the true nature of your fear makes the spell more effective.

Clear your altar or working space. If you wish to cast a circle, do so with salt, walking clockwise and envisioning a sphere of protective white light surrounding your working space.

Before carving your red candle, hold it in both hands and share your intention with it. The sword symbol you’ll carve represents cutting through fear and illusion. Carve from bottom to top, seeing each stroke as clearing a path through your fears. If you know runes, adding Tiwaz (↑) for courage or Algiz (ᛉ) for protection can enhance the working.

Take the paper and write your fear down thoughtfully. Be honest – this is private magical work. Fold the paper away from you three times, saying with each fold: “What once bound me now sets me free. This fear no longer governs me.”

Position your prepared red candle securely in its holder. Place the black tourmaline to the north and, the folded paper before the candle. Light the candle with purpose, saying:

“Fear burns away in flame so bright, courage rises in its light. Strong I stand and brave I’ll be, as I will, so mote it be.”

Take time to meditate on the flame. Watch how it dances and moves. A strong, steady flame suggests strong courage building. Flickering might indicate areas of resistance to work through.

When you feel ready, light one corner of your paper from the candle flame and place it in your fireproof container, saying: “As this fear is burned away, my courage grows, day by day.”

Let both the paper burn completely. The full burning represents complete transformation of fear into courage. Watch the flame, seeing your fear transforming into strength. You can allow the candle to burn down now, or light it repeatedly over the next few days to consolidate the spell.

Collect the ashes once cool. You might:

  • Scatter them to the wind for final release
  • Bury them with a seed to grow courage
  • Dispose of them at a crossroads

Keep the black tourmaline with you for the next few days as you integrate the spell’s energy. You might notice situations that once caused fear feeling more manageable. This is the spell taking root.

Courage building is often a process rather than a single moment. You can repeat this red candle spell monthly as needed, or create a simpler daily practice using the same elements:

  • Carry black tourmaline
  • Visualise red light filling you with courage
  • Repeat the spell’s incantation as needed

Courage isn’t the absence of fear but the strength to move through it. This spell helps build that strength gradually and naturally.

Protection Red Candle Spell

This red candle spell creates a powerful shield of protective energy around your space or person. Red candles are particularly effective for protection work because they carry the fierce, protective energy of Mars and fire. When combined with black salt and protective stones, this spell creates multiple layers of defence while maintaining positive energy flow.

If you do not have all the following stones, any black stones, even ones found in a garden or park, will work just fine.

You Will Need

  • Red candle (a sturdy pillar candle creates a strong foundation)
  • Black salt (for creating boundaries) or ordinary salt
  • Four protective stones such as:
    • Black tourmaline (repels negative energy)
    • Obsidian (creates energetic shields)
    • Smoky quartz (transforms negative to positive)
    • Black onyx (maintains boundaries)
  • Fireproof surface
  • Compass (optional, for direction alignment)
  • White chalk or string (for circle marking)

This red candle spell works on the principle of creating concentric circles of protection. The black salt forms the outer circle, establishing your first boundary. The four stones create a square within the circle, representing stability and grounding. The red candle at the centre radiates protective energy outward, activating and maintaining the entire protective field.

While protection spells can be worked at any time of need, they gain extra strength when cast during:

  • The waning moon (for banishing negative influences)
  • Tuesday (Mars’s protective influence)
  • Dawn or dusk (liminal times when boundaries are naturally strengthened)
  • The hour of Mars (varies by day)

Begin by cleansing your space thoroughly. Sound cleansing with bells or singing bowls works well for protection preparation as it clears space without introducing smoke or moisture that might affect the salt.

The black salt circle needs to be large enough to comfortably contain your candle and stones. If working on a small altar, you can create a miniature version – the energy will expand to fill your intended space. Pour the salt clockwise, saying:

“With this circle dark and deep, a sacred boundary I do keep. What’s without stays without, what’s within stays safe throughout.”

Position your protective stones at the four quarters. If using a compass:

  • North: Grounding stone (black tourmaline)
  • East: Clear thinking (smoky quartz)
  • South: Transformative protection (obsidian)
  • West: Emotional boundaries (black onyx)

If working without specific stones, simply place a piece at each quarter – much of the power lies in the square formation and your intention.

This red candle becomes your central beacon of protection. Carve these protective symbols from bottom to top:

  • A shield (basic protection)
  • A circle with a dot (solar protection)
  • A pentacle (magical protection)
  • Any personal protective symbols meaningful to you

Place your prepared red candle in the centre of your stone square. The flame will activate the entire protective field. Light the candle with purpose, saying:

“By fire’s light and candle’s flame, protection wraps around my name. No harm shall pass, no darkness near, safe am I, and free from fear. Within this circle, squared by stone, protection claims this space its own.”

Walk clockwise around your circle three times, visualising a dome of protective red light emanating from the candle, touching each stone and strengthening the salt circle. Feel the protection building with each circuit. If you are doing a smaller version of the spell on your altar, pass the index finger of your right hand, or your wand around the circle.

Let the candle burn for at least 30 minutes while meditating on your protective sphere. You might:

  • Visualise negative energy bouncing off your shields
  • See your space filled with protective red light
  • Feel the solid strength of your boundaries
  • Connect with each stone’s protective properties

Extinguish the candle, saying:

“Though this spark may dim its light,
Shelter holds with steadfast might.
Mystic wards and spirits bright,
Weave protection day and night.”

Leave the salt circle and stones in place for 24 hours if possible. This allows the protective field to fully establish. When you do clean up:

  • Collect the salt for future protection work
  • Keep the stones as ongoing wards

This red candle spell creates lasting protection, but you can strengthen it by:

  • Repeating monthly at the waning moon
  • Recharging your protective stones under the full moon
  • Refreshing your black salt boundaries seasonally
  • Adding regular protective maintenance practices to your routine

Protection magic works best when layered. This spell can be combined with other protective practices like threshold warding, amulet creation, or regular spiritual cleansing.

Safety Notes

  • Never leave candles unattended
  • Keep candles away from flammable objects
  • Use proper candle holders
  • Have fire safety measures nearby
  • Use a candle snuffer rather than blowing out candles

Best Practices

  • Always cleanse and charge candles before use
  • Write your red candle spells in your grimoire and note the results for future reference
  • Trust your intuition about timing
  • Adapt words and ingredients as needed

The power of red candle magic lies in your intention and focus. These spells can be modified to suit your needs while maintaining their core purpose.

Blessed be

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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