Spiritual alchemy: A witch’s guide to this transformative practice


Spiritual alchemy is a process we can follow to reach spiritual awakening, wisdom and enlightenment. This powerful quest is not for the faint-hearted, it requires deep inner work, persistence and determination, however, the results can transform our lives for the better. Through the process of spiritual alchemy, we can release our attachments to our ego and negative patterns and beliefs and integrate the different aspects of our psyche to create wholeness and unity.

It is believed that many of the alchemical texts, by such luminaries as Isaac Newton, though seemingly discussing the process of turning lead into gold or creating an elixir of life, were actually coded descriptions of spiritual processes such as the inner quest for self-realization, spiritual awakening and the pursuit of wisdom and enlightenment. These texts were written at a time when speaking about such spiritual matters would have got the alchemists in deep trouble with the powerful forces of the church.

Spiritual alchemy is sometimes referred to as the “Great Work,” and it is a lifelong journey of inner transformation and self-realization. This work involves confronting one’s shadow self, transcending ego and achieving spiritual enlightenment. It is a process of self-purification and integration.

There are many sources of information about spiritual alchemy, but many of them can be frankly confusing. In this article, I have attempted to explain the stages in as simple a way as possible while keeping true to the wisdom of the process. Later in the article I have included some rituals to help you begin your spiritual alchemy journey.

This article could not possibly explain all there is to know about spiritual alchemy, but I hope it offers an accessible introduction to the subject as well as the tools to enable you to reap the benefits of this powerful, transformative process.

Spiritual alchemy stages

Spiritual alchemy typically follows a series of stages similar to the traditional alchemical process.

These stages include:

Calcination (burning away the ego)
Dissolution (surrender and letting go)
Separation (discernment and differentiation)
Conjunction (integration of opposites),
Fermentation (rebirth and transformation)
The Creation of the Stone (attainment of enlightenment)

While these terms may sound a little archaic and confusing, they actually refer to processes that many of us are familiar with. I find that spiritual alchemy brings a lot of different spiritual ideas into a cohesive structure and offers a framework which can help us work through our inner work in a logical order.

Here is a brief description of the stages of spiritual alchemy

Calcination is the process of purifying the self by burning away the ego, attachments, and impurities. It symbolizes the dismantling of the ego consciousness and the initiation of self-awareness and transformation.

Dissolution represents the surrender and dissolution of old patterns, attachments and illusions. It involves letting go of the past and opening oneself to the transformative power of inner change.

Separation involves the discernment and differentiation of various aspects of the self such as the ego and the higher self. It is the process of recognizing and distinguishing between different qualities, emotions and beliefs, leading to greater self-awareness.

Conjunction signifies the integration and union of opposites within the self. It involves harmonizing contrasting energies, such as masculine and feminine, to achieve balance and inner unity.

Fermentation is a stage of profound transformation and rebirth. It represents the renewal of the self, where old aspects are transformed into a higher state of consciousness, leading to inner growth and enlightenment.

The Philosopher’s Stone
The philosopher’s stone is a powerful symbol of spiritual enlightenment and self-realization. In alchemy, it represents the ultimate goal of inner transformation, where the seeker reaches a state of wisdom, unity and enlightenment.

How to begin Spiritual Alchemy

We can work through the various stages of spiritual alchemy to move towards enlightenment. The following section offers a series of rituals that can help with this process. It’s helpful to journal about what you hope to achieve from the process as well as any insights you receive. This will help you integrate the learning into your life rather than it being an intellectual exercise that fails to transform your life.

Below are a series of rituals to help you on your journey of inner transformation and self-realization. Take your time with these rituals. I would recommend completing no more than one a week, but you may choose to spend more time at each stage. Repeat each ritual as often as you need to and feel free to go back to earlier stages at any time to consolidate your knowledge and deepen your understanding.

If you are unable to burn candles you can use LED candles instead. These are available in different colours, however, if you can’t find the right colour you can put a white LED candle in a holder of the appropriate colour. If you are unable to burn the paper you can shred or bury it instead. You may find it useful to have some fireproof tongs to hold the paper as it burns. Alternatively, drop the paper into a fireproof bowl once it is lit.

A Spiritual alchemy awakening ritual

This ritual helps you to focus on the spiritual alchemy process and prepares you for further work. Before conducting this ritual, take time to reflect on your intentions and what you hope to achieve through your spiritual alchemical practice.

What you need

A quiet and sacred space where you won’t be disturbed.
A white candle (to represent the philosopher’s stone).
A piece of paper and a pen.
A small, fireproof container (You can use an old saucepan or a metal plate).

What to do

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or stand. Ensure that the area is free from distractions. Set up an altar or sacred space, if desired, with the white candle as the centrepiece. Light the candle as a symbol of illumination and spiritual awakening.

Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Focus on your intention to embark on your spiritual alchemy journey.

Reflect on the stages of alchemical transformation, such as dissolution, separation, conjunction, fermentation and the attainment of the philosopher’s stone. Consider what these stages mean to you personally.

On the piece of paper, write down your intentions for your spiritual alchemy journey. Consider what you want to achieve, the aspects of yourself you want to transform and the wisdom you seek to gain.

Close your eyes and hold the paper in your hands focusing on your intentions for your spiritual alchemy journey.

Safely light the piece of paper with the white candle’s flame. As the paper burns, visualize the old aspects of yourself being consumed by the flames. See yourself emerging from the ashes as a renewed and awakened being.

Blow out the candle. It is useful to spend some time reflecting on and journaling about any insights you gained through this ritual and how it made you feel. If you didn’t notice much change, be patient with yourself, you can repeat this ritual as often as you want. As you continue on the path of spiritual alchemy, you will uncover hidden truths, transform your inner self and work toward a higher state of consciousness and enlightenment.

The following rituals will guide you further through the spiritual alchemy process. These can be repeated as often as you like and you will receive new insights each time you undertake them.

Alchemical calcination ritual

The purpose of the calcination ritual in spiritual alchemy is to symbolize and facilitate the burning away of ego attachments and impurities. This ritual encourages self-awareness, transformation and the dismantling of old, self-limiting beliefs, paving the way for inner growth and personal development.

Materials Needed

A quiet and sacred space for your ritual.
A red candle (to symbolize the fire of transformation).
A piece of paper and a pen.
A small fireproof container.


Find a peaceful and undisturbed space for your ritual. Set up an altar or sacred space, with the red or black candle as the centrepiece. Place the bowl or fireproof container in front of the candle.

Begin the ritual by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself and bring your focus to the concept of calcination and transformation.

On the piece of paper, write down any aspects of yourself that you would like to burn away. These may be old patterns, negative beliefs or egoic attachments that need to be transformed.

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Reflect on the written words and the significance of burning away these aspects. Consider how this release will contribute to your spiritual transformation.

Light the candle. Gaze into the flame and meditate on its symbolism of transformation and the fire of calcination. Imagine the fire purifying and cleansing your being.

Carefully light the piece of paper with the candle’s flame. As it burns, visualize the flames representing the process of calcination and the burning away of the ego and impurities.

While the paper burns, say an affirmation or mantra that emphasizes your intention to release and transform. For example: “I embrace the process of calcination and I welcome the burning away of all that is holding me back.”

Allow the paper to burn as completely as possible. The ashes symbolise the old aspects that have been transformed.

Blow out the candle. Sit in silence and contemplate the sense of surrender and cleansing you have invoked. Consider how this process will impact your spiritual journey.

Alchemical dissolution ritual

The dissolution stage of spiritual alchemy is about releasing the grip of the past, surrendering to the present, and making space for personal growth, transformation and eventual enlightenment.

What you need

A quiet and sacred space for your ritual.
A black candle (to symbolize the process of dissolution).
A small bowl of water.
A piece of paper and a pen.

What to do

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit or stand without distractions. Set up an altar or sacred space with the black candle as the centrepiece and the bowl of water in front of it. Light the candle as a symbol of the dissolution process.

Take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Focus on the concept of dissolution and the aspects of your past that you are ready to let go of.

On the piece of paper, write down any old attachments, habits, thought patterns or emotions that you wish to dissolve. Be honest and specific about what you want to release.

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Reflect on the written words and the weight they carry in your life. Acknowledge how these aspects have held you back or caused you suffering.

Dip the paper into the bowl of water. As the paper disintegrates in the water, imagine this process representing the dissolution of your old self and the cleansing of your spirit. See the old aspects of yourself dissolving and disintegrating, leaving no trace.

Repeat an affirmation or mantra that reflects your intention for change and transformation. For example: “I release the old, making room for the new. I embrace the process of dissolution and welcome transformation.”

After the paper has dissolved in the water, spend a few moments in silence. Embrace the sense of emptiness or void left by the dissolution. This is a sacred space for new growth and transformation.

Blow out the black candle, symbolizing the completion of this phase in your spiritual alchemy journey.

After the ritual, spend some time in reflection. Consider what you’ve let go of and how it will make space for transformation and personal growth in your life.

Alchemical Separation Ritual

In the context of spiritual alchemy, the stage of separation involves the individual’s process of separating and purifying their ego or false self from their true essence or divine self. This stage is aimed at identifying and distinguishing between different qualities, emotions and beliefs within, ultimately leading to greater clarity, personal insight, and a more refined sense of self.

What you need

A quiet and sacred space for your ritual.
Two candles: one white (representing purity) and one black (symbolizing separation).
A small bowl of salt.
A piece of paper and a pen.

What to do

Find a peaceful and undisturbed space for your ritual.

Set up an altar or sacred space, with the white candle on one side and the black candle on the other. Light both candles.

Begin the ritual by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself and bring your focus to the concept of separation.

On the piece of paper, write down the aspects of yourself, emotions, or experiences that need clarity and discernment. Consider what aspects of your thoughts and behaviour come from your ego and if possible, try to discern what aspects are from your higher self. Be specific about what you wish to distinguish and understand more clearly.

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Reflect on the written words and the significance of separating these aspects. Consider how clarity and discernment will contribute to your growth.

Take a pinch of salt from the bowl and sprinkle it over the written words. As you do this, imagine the salt purifying and illuminating the aspects you’ve written.

Focus on the black candle representing separation. Meditate on the concept of discernment and the need to distinguish between different aspects of the self such as the ego and higher self.

Shift your focus to the white candle representing purity and illumination. Visualize the clarity and insight that will come from the process of separation.

Light the piece of paper with the white candle’s flame. As it burns, imagine the flames symbolizing the process of separation and the shedding of old patterns or confusions.

While the paper burns, say an affirmation or mantra that emphasizes your intention for clarity and discernment. For example: “I embrace the process of separation and discernment and I welcome the clarity it brings.”

After the paper has burned completely, extinguish both candles. Sit in silence and contemplate the sense of clarity you have invoked. Consider how this will impact your spiritual journey.

As you continue your spiritual alchemy journey, you’ll find yourself better equipped to differentiate and understand different aspects of your life and consciousness.

Alchemical Conjunction Ritual

The purpose of conjunction in spiritual alchemy is to achieve the integration and harmonious union of opposing and complementary elements within the self, such as masculine and feminine energies, conscious and unconscious aspects, or the ego and the higher self. This process aims to create inner balance, unity, and a state of wholeness, fostering personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

What you need

A quiet and sacred space for your ritual.
Two candles: one representing masculine energy (e.g., red or gold) and one representing feminine energy (e.g., silver or white).
A small item or symbol of integration (e.g., a yin-yang symbol, an ankh, or a heart).
A piece of paper and a pen.

What to do

Find a peaceful and undisturbed space for your ritual. Set up an altar or sacred space, with the masculine candle on one side and the feminine candle on the other. Place the symbol of integration between them.

Begin the ritual by taking a few deep breaths to centre yourself and bring your focus to the concept of conjunction and integration.

On the piece of paper, write down the aspects of yourself, your experiences, or qualities that need integration and unity. Be specific about what you wish to combine and harmonize. This could be your masculine and feminine aspects, light and dark, conscious and unconscious, ego and higher self – whatever feels right for you at this time.

Hold the paper in your hands and close your eyes. Reflect on the written words and the significance of integrating these aspects. Consider how unity and balance will contribute to your growth.

Light both the masculine and feminine candles. Meditate on the qualities and energies associated with each. Visualize these energies coming together in a harmonious dance.

Gaze at the symbol of integration between the candles. Visualize the integration of opposites and the synthesis of your chosen aspects. See the masculine and feminine energies merging, forming a new and harmonious whole.

Light the piece of paper with both candle flames. As it burns, imagine the flames symbolizing the process of conjunction and the emergence of a balanced, integrated self.

While the paper burns, say an affirmation or mantra that emphasizes your intention for unity and integration. For example: “I embrace the process of conjunction and I welcome the unity it brings.”

After the paper has burned completely, extinguish both candles. Sit in silence and contemplate the sense of unity and integration you have invoked. Consider how this will impact your spiritual alchemy journey.

Alchemical fermentation meditation

This stage represents a profound transformation and integration of the purified elements achieved in the previous stages. This transmutation results in a heightened state of awareness and a deeper connection to the divine or the cosmos.

This meditation is designed to help you embrace the fermentation stage of your spiritual journey by integrating opposites, achieving inner harmony and experiencing a deeper connection with the divine. Feel free to modify the script or use it as a starting point for your own meditation practice.

Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep, cleansing breaths to centre yourself.

Imagine roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you securely. Feel the connection to the Earth’s energy and stability.

Pay attention to your breath. Feel the gentle rise and fall of your chest and abdomen as you breathe in and out.

Visualize two opposing symbols, one representing your inner masculine qualities and the other your inner feminine qualities. These may be represented as the sun and the moon, two different colours, or any other symbols that resonate with you. See them coming together, merging, and becoming one. Feel the balance and unity they create within you.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine the anima (feminine) and animus (masculine) aspects of your psyche coming together in a sacred union. Sense the profound sense of wholeness and completeness that arises from this inner marriage.

Envision a radiant light emerging from the union of these two aspects, filling your entire being. This light represents your transformed consciousness. As it flows through you, visualize it purifying and transmuting any remaining impurities or limitations in your awareness.

Feel yourself ascending to a higher state of consciousness. Visualize a golden light above you, symbolizing the divine or the source of all existence. Imagine this light streaming down into your being, infusing you with divine wisdom, love, and guidance.

Allow yourself to rest in this state of deep connection and awareness. Experience the oneness with the universe and a sense of profound awakening.

As you near the end of your meditation, express gratitude for the insights and transformation you’ve received during this practice.

Gently return your awareness to your breath and the present moment. When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to reorient yourself to your surroundings.

The alchemical quest for the Philosopher’s Stone: a guide

Once you have completed the above rituals you may want to continue your spiritual alchemy journey with a further quest for the Philosopher’s Stone. I have not included a ritual for this process as it will depend on each practitioner. However, I have offered a guide to help you through the process.

The philosopher’s stone signifies the ultimate goal of alchemical work, where the seeker attains wisdom and enlightenment. The journey toward the philosopher’s stone is primarily an inner alchemical process. It involves the transformation of the self, where one seeks to transmute inner “base” qualities, such as ego, ignorance, and attachment, into higher virtues like wisdom, enlightenment and love.

Spiritual Alchemy is a multifaceted field, and studying its historical and philosophical aspects can provide insights into the symbolism and wisdom behind the quest for the philosopher’s stone. You might want to spend some time reading and contemplating the writings of alchemical philosophers and their teachings.

You may also like to study the different spiritual alchemy symbols to further deepen your knowledge of the process

It’s important to understand that the journey toward the philosopher’s stone is ongoing. There is no endpoint or final attainment, as spiritual growth and self-realization are lifelong processes. Embrace the journey itself as the goal, with each step bringing greater understanding and wisdom.

The pursuit of the philosopher’s stone is not an easy path, and setbacks and challenges are part of the journey. Practice patience, perseverance, and self-compassion as you navigate the transformative process.

As you progress on this path, remember that the philosopher’s stone is a symbol of the inner gold that lies within each of us, waiting to be discovered and revealed through the alchemical journey.


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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