The Divine Feminine: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Witches


The divine feminine is a term used to describe a type of spiritual or magical energy that we see throughout many cultures and traditions. At its simplest, it refers to the creative, intuitive and transformative powers that have historically been associated with feminine qualities – though it’s important to understand this isn’t tied to gender or biological sex.

An alternative way to express this concept would be “life-force energy” or “creative power.” We could also describe it as the energy that flows through cycles of creation, growth, rest and renewal. Some traditions call it shakti, which means “power” or “creative force.” Others might simply call it nature’s magic or the power of life itself.

In practical terms, working with this energy means paying attention to cycles and rhythms in nature and ourselves, trusting our intuition, embracing both action and rest, and recognising that change and transformation are natural parts of life.

The key is understanding that while the term “divine feminine” gives us a way to talk about this energy, the energy itself exists beyond any labels we give it. It’s something we can experience and work with directly in our lives and magical practice.

We can connect with sacred feminine energy in many different ways – through goddess worship, through energy work, or through our own personal symbols. All these paths are valid ways to work with this magic. When we explore this energy, we bring back important spiritual knowledge that’s been pushed aside or lost. This healing work doesn’t just help our own magical practice – it helps everyone rediscover the power of feminine spirituality.

Ancient Roots of the Divine Feminine

For thousands of years, people all over the world have recognised and worked with divine feminine energy. Different cultures gave this power different names and stories, but we can see similar patterns in how they understood it. When we look at ancient goddesses and myths, we learn how people long ago experienced this creative force. Their stories still teach us about working with this energy today.

Inanna was a goddess of heaven and earth in ancient Mesopotamia. Her magic included both creation and destruction. Her journey to the underworld shows us that both dark and light times are part of our spiritual path. In Egypt, the goddess Isis used her magic to bring Osiris back to life, showing how love and magical will work together with great power.

The Greeks gave us Hecate, guardian of crossroads and patron of witchcraft, who reminds us that the divine feminine includes not just nurturing aspects but also wisdom, magic and sovereignty over our own paths. In Hindu tradition, Shakti represents the primordial cosmic energy and divine feminine creative power that moves through all things.

Native American traditions speak of Spider Woman, who weaves the web of existence and teaches us about the interconnectedness of all life. In African Yoruba tradition, Oshun rules over fresh waters, love and magic, showing us how the divine feminine connects to both natural forces and magical practice.

Manifesting Divine Feminine Energy in Modern Practice

Cyclical Awareness

Like the waxing and waning moon, the divine feminine teaches us to honour cycles of growth, release, rest and renewal. This wisdom appears in the wheel of the year, the lunar phases and our own personal rhythms. Working with these cycles rather than against them amplifies our magical practice.

Intuitive Wisdom

The divine feminine reminds us that knowledge comes not just from books and rational thought but from deep listening to our inner voice. This wisdom manifests through dreams, synchronicities and the subtle messages of our bodies and the natural world.

Creative Power

Whether through art, ritual, or everyday activities, the sacred feminine represents the force that brings new things into being. This creative energy flows through all magical workings, from spellcraft to healing to divination.

Practical Ways to Connect with Divine Feminine Energy

There are many ways to bring divine feminine energy into your daily magical practice. We can work with this energy through simple actions that connect us to natural cycles, our own bodies and ancient wisdom. These practices help us develop our intuition and creative power over time. Some are quick daily rituals while others are deeper work you might do at special times. Here are some ways to start working with this energy.

  • Create an altar dedicated to sacred feminine aspects that resonate with you, whether traditional goddesses or personal symbols
  • Work with moon phases, particularly the dark moon and full moon, for deeper connection to cyclical wisdom
  • Practise womb or sacral chakra meditation to connect with your internal creative force
  • Incorporate sacred movement like dance, yoga or ecstatic motion into your practice
  • Keep a dream journal to strengthen your connection to intuitive wisdom
  • Work with sacred feminine plants like rose, mugwort and jasmine
  • Develop relationships with divine feminine deities through offerings and devotional practice

Sacred Ritual for Divine Feminine Awakening

The following ritual draws upon lunar energy and natural elements to create a deep connection with divine feminine power. While designed for the full moon, you can adapt it for any moon phase by adjusting the intentions and energy accordingly.

Begin by creating your sacred space. Choose a quiet location where you won’t be disturbed, ideally somewhere you can see the moon.

You’ll need:

  • A silver or white candle to represent divine feminine light
  • A bowl of water to connect with feminine flowing energy
  • Moon-associated crystals such as moonstone, selenite or pearl
  • A hand mirror
  • Essential oils like jasmine, rose, lavender, rosemary or ylang ylang
  • Incense or dried herbs and a charcoal disc to cleanse your space (optional)
  • Salt (optional)

Start by cleansing your space with smoke from sacred herbs or incense. Alternatively, you can cleanse the space with sound or just by cleaning the space and opening the windows to let fresh air in. As you move through your space, speak words of invitation to the divine feminine presence. If you wish, draw a circle with salt or visualised light, calling in protection and wisdom from the feminine guardians of each direction.

Sit comfortably before your altar. Light your candle with intention, speaking these or similar words: “I open myself to the wisdom and power of the divine feminine. Flow through me, teach me, transform me.”

Anoint your third eye and heart centre with your chosen oil. These points create a channel for divine feminine wisdom to flow between intuition and heart knowing.

Take up your mirror and gaze softly at your reflection. See beyond the surface to the divine feminine essence within you. Speak to your reflection: “I recognise the goddess within. She who flows through the cosmos flows through me.”

Place your hands on your bowl of water. Feel the element that has been associated with feminine mystery throughout time. As you connect with the water, imagine drawing up divine feminine energy from the earth through your root, letting it pool in your sacred womb space (regardless of your physical anatomy – this is an energetic centre we all possess).

Stand and begin to move intuitively. Let your body lead – perhaps you’ll sway like seaweed in the ocean, spiral like the moon’s path through the sky or pulse with the rhythm of your own heartbeat. Trust whatever emerges.

As you move, begin to tone or chant. Start with “Aum” if you like, letting your voice find its natural expression of divine feminine energy. Notice how the sound resonates in different parts of your body.

Seat yourself again and place your crystal or crystals in front of you. Enter a meditative state and envision yourself descending into the depths of divine feminine wisdom. You might find yourself in a sacred cave, beside a deep well or in the embrace of cosmic darkness. Listen for messages, wisdom or visions that arise.

When you feel complete, thank the divine feminine presence and any specific goddesses or energies you’ve worked with. Ground yourself by placing your hands on the earth or floor, letting excess energy flow down into the earth.

Extinguish your candle while remaining aware that divine feminine energy stays with you always, ready whenever you want to connect with it.

In the days following your ritual, notice how divine feminine energy moves through your daily life. Journal about changes in your intuition, creativity and connection to cyclic wisdom. Consider what aspects of the divine feminine you’d like to explore more deeply in future workings.

Shadow Aspects of the Divine Feminine

True understanding of the divine feminine requires embracing its complete nature, including aspects that patriarchal societies often try to suppress. These include:

  • Rage and destructive power (like Kali and the Morrigan)
  • Sexuality and sensual pleasure (like Aphrodite and Lilith)
  • Death and decay (like Hel and Coatlicue)
  • Chaos and wild nature (like Tiamat and the Maenads)

These aspects aren’t negative. They are important parts of a complete whole. Through them, we learn about transformation, boundaries, and the many forms of feminine power.

Working with Divine Feminine Shadows

Shadow work with divine feminine magic means looking at parts of ourselves we usually avoid. We often push away these parts of our magic too. When we do this inner work, we become more whole. We find new sources of magic within ourselves.

Understanding Divine Feminine Shadow Work

Shadow work with the divine feminine differs from general shadow work because it specifically examines our relationship with feminine power, both personal and collective. This includes our inherited beliefs about feminine energy, our experience of being socialised in a patriarchal system and our own complex relationship with feminine aspects of self.

When working with sacred feminine shadows, we often encounter several core themes: our relationship with power, our comfort with sexuality and sensuality, our acceptance of aging and death and our ability to express anger or set boundaries. These themes surface regardless of our gender identity because they reflect universal human experiences through a feminine lens.

Practical Shadow Work Approaches

Begin your divine feminine shadow work with gentle self-observation. Notice when you feel resistance to certain aspects of feminine energy. Perhaps you struggle to accept the crone aspect of the divine feminine, or maybe expressions of feminine anger make you uncomfortable. These points of resistance often indicate shadow material ready for exploration.

Creating protective space and choosing the right time are important for shadow work. Choose a time when the moon is dark or waning, as these phases support introspection and release work. Create protective circles that explicitly welcome shadow aspects, and consider working with deities known for shadow work such as Hecate, Kali or the Morrigan.

Journal prompts for divine feminine shadow work might include:

  • When do I feel uncomfortable expressing feminine power?
  • What messages did I receive about feminine sexuality growing up?
  • How do I relate to the dark goddess aspects?
  • Where do I judge other expressions of feminine energy?
  • What parts of myself do I hide because they don’t fit conventional feminine ideals?

Movement and Embodiment Practices

Shadow work doesn’t always need to involve sitting still and journaling. Consider these embodiment practices:

Dark Moon Dancing: Move freely to music that evokes shadow feminine qualities – rage, grief, wild abandon. Let your body express what your mind might censor.

Voice Work: Practice making sounds society often discourages in feminine people – growls, screams, deep bellows. This helps release trapped energy and reclaim your full vocal range.

Dramatic Embodiment: Working with masks or costumes, embody different shadow aspects of the divine feminine. You might become Kali in her destructive dance or Lilith in her defiant power.

Integration and Offering

After shadow work sessions, it is important to work on integrating what you have learned. You might like to create rituals that honour both the light and shadow aspects you’ve worked with. This might involve creating art, writing poetry or making offerings to deities who’ve supported your work.

Consider placing symbols of both light and shadow aspects on your altar – perhaps a black candle beside a white one, or beautiful flowers alongside bones or thorns. This visual reminder helps maintain the integration of all aspects of divine feminine energy.

Remember that shadow work takes time and should never be rushed. The divine feminine teaches us to move in cycles, and shadow work has its own rhythm. Some shadows might need multiple visits before they’re ready to transform, while others might shift dramatically in a single session.

Embracing the Journey

Working with divine feminine energy changes more than just our magic. It changes how we live our whole lives. We learn to trust our inner knowing, follow our natural rhythms, and accept both our light and shadow sides.

This work isn’t a straight path forward. It moves in circles, or more accurately spirals, and each time around we understand more. The divine feminine shows us new things when we’re ready to see them.

You might feel drawn to Kali’s protection, Lilith’s freedom, Cerridwen’s wisdom, or Quan Yin’s care. All these forms of divine feminine energy are here for you. Your own way of connecting with this magic is real and important.

As you work with divine feminine energy, stay open to new discoveries. Let your practice grow as it needs to. Listen to your inner voice and the goddesses who speak to you. The divine feminine meets us where we are and gives us what we need.

May this work bring new depth and power to your magic. May you find both old wisdom and new ways to work with feminine magic in today’s world. May your connection to this energy grow stronger as the years pass.

Blessed be.

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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