Have you ever had a moment when you felt at peace, whole and expanded, as if your whole soul was connected with everything? Or when you were in the flow and time seemed unimportant? Or just a moment when everything just felt ‘right’? These could be times when you were connected to your Higher Self. Most of us connect with out Higher Self occasionally, but it it possible to feel more connected, more of the time.
In our fast-paced modern world, filled with constant distractions and external demands, many of us have lost consistent contact with this essential aspect of our being. We navigate life primarily through our everyday ego-mind—the part of us conditioned by past experiences, social expectations and habitual patterns of thought. Yet deep within, we sense there’s more to us than these limited identities.
This article offers a pathway back to your most authentic nature—a practical guide to recognising, connecting with and embodying your higher self in daily life. The journey isn’t about becoming something you’re not; rather, it’s about remembering who you’ve always been beneath the layers of conditioning and forgetting. It’s about coming home to the wisdom, peace and expanded awareness that is your birthright.
Whether you approach this topic from a psychological perspective or through the lens of spiritual traditions, the practices and insights shared here offer doorways to a more profound experience of yourself and your place in the universe.
Are you ready to awaken to your highest potential?
What is the Higher Self
The higher self is a concept found in many spiritual traditions and psychological frameworks that refers to an elevated state of consciousness or aspect of the self that transcends the everyday ego.
In spiritual terms, the higher self is often described as:
- The divine aspect within each person that connects to universal consciousness
- An immortal, transcendent part of our being that exists beyond physical reality
- The authentic core of who we truly are, untainted by ego, fears, or worldly attachments
- A source of intuitive wisdom, guidance and spiritual connection
- The part of us that recognises our interconnectedness with all things
From a psychological perspective, the higher self can be understood as:
- The integrated and mature aspect of personality that emerges through personal growth
- The observer or witness consciousness that can step back from thoughts and emotions
- The aspect of self capable of self-regulation, higher reasoning and ethical decision-making
- A state of optimal psychological functioning characterised by authenticity and actualisation
- The part of us that holds our highest values, aspirations and potential
Both perspectives view the higher self as something we can access through practices like meditation, contemplation, creative expression and conscious living. It represents our capacity for transcending limiting beliefs and accessing deeper wisdom.
How It Feels to Connect with Your Higher Self
The journey to connect with our higher self is deeply personal, yet there are universal signposts that indicate when we’ve established this connection. Learning to recognise these signals can help us cultivate and strengthen this relationship over time.
A Sense of Expanded Awareness
When connected to the higher self, our consciousness seems to expand beyond its normal boundaries. Colours appear more vivid, sounds more rich and there’s an enhanced perception of the subtle energies around us. Many people describe feeling as though they can perceive the interconnectedness of all things—seeing the world not as separate objects but as a unified field of energy and consciousness. This expanded awareness brings a profound appreciation for the complexity and beauty of existence.
Deep Inner Peace
Perhaps the most reliable indicator of higher self-connection is an abiding sense of peace that transcends ordinary contentment. This isn’t the fleeting happiness that comes from external circumstances going our way, but more a stable foundation of tranquility that remains even during challenging times. This peace carries a quality of completeness—a feeling that nothing is missing or needed in this moment. Our usual mental becomes quiet and is replaced by a spacious stillness.
Clarity and Certainty
When we are aligned with our higher self, decision-making becomes different. Instead of weighing pros and cons or anxiously considering all possible outcomes, there’s an intuitive knowing about the right path forward. This clarity doesn’t come from mental analysis but emerges as a felt sense of certainty. We recognise choices that align with our highest good without second-guessing or rumination. Even complex situations that previously seemed confusing become straightforward.
Heightened Compassion
Connection with the higher self naturally expands our capacity for compassion—both for ourselves and others. Judgments soften as we recognise the shared humanity in everyone. We feel a genuine concern for the well-being of others that transcends our personal interests or biases. This compassion isn’t forced but flows naturally from a recognition of our fundamental interconnection. We find ourselves able to maintain an open heart and a broader perspective, even toward those who challenge us.
Our experience of time shifts dramatically when we’re connected to our higher self. The constant sense of rushing or never having enough time dissolves into a spacious present moment. We may be engaged in activity, yet there’s no urgency or pressure—just a natural unfolding of experience. Sometimes minutes stretch into what feels like hours of rich experience; other times, hours pass in what seems like moments. This timeless quality is sometimes called ‘flow’ and reflects our temporary liberation from the mental constructs that normally govern our perception of time.
Life begins to flow with remarkable synchronicity when we’re aligned with our higher self. We notice meaningful coincidences increasing in frequency and significance. The right book falls off the shelf, a stranger delivers exactly the message we needed to hear, or opportunities arise precisely when we require them. These synchronicities aren’t random but reflect our alignment with a deeper intelligence that orchestrates events in support of our highest good.
Inspired Action
When connected to our higher self, action flows from inspiration rather than obligation. We feel naturally moved to take steps that align with our deepest values and purpose, without having to force ourselves through willpower. There’s a sense of being guided or carried forward by something larger than our individual will. These inspired actions often require courage, yet paradoxically feel easier than remaining in familiar patterns that no longer serve us.
Authentic Expression
Our communication and self-expression become more authentic when channeled through our higher self. We speak our truth without fear of judgment, yet with a sensitivity to what others can receive. There’s less filtering or performing and more transparent sharing from our essential nature. This authenticity resonates with others at a deep level, often creating meaningful connections and opening space for genuine dialogue.
Body Sensations
The body often signals higher self-connection through distinct physical sensations. Common experiences include: warmth or expansion in the chest (heart center), tingling or pressure at the crown of the head, goosebumps or “truth chills,” a lightness or buoyancy in the body, or a pleasant current of energy moving up the spine. These sensations represent the physical body’s response to the heightened vibrational state that accompanies higher self-connection.
Enhanced Creativity
Creative expression flows more freely when we’re connected to our higher self. Ideas and inspirations arrive seemingly from nowhere, often surprising us with their originality. We become channels for creative energy rather than the source of it. Artists, writers, musicians and innovators throughout history have described this experience—the sense that their greatest works came through them rather than from them. This enhanced creativity reflects our access to wisdom beyond our individual mind.
Wisdom Beyond Knowledge
Perhaps most significantly, connection with the higher self brings wisdom that transcends our accumulated knowledge or personal experience. We find ourselves offering insights or guidance that seems beyond our ordinary understanding. This wisdom carries a universal quality—it expresses fundamental truths about human existence rather than personal opinions. When we express this wisdom, we often feel like we’re learning from our own words even as we speak them, as if the higher self is teaching both others and our everyday self simultaneously.
Learning to recognise these signs of higher self-connection is the first step in cultivating a consistent relationship with this aspect of our being. With practice, we can create the conditions that invite these experiences more frequently, gradually shifting our centre of identity from the limited ego-self to the expansive awareness of our higher nature.
Three Powerful Practices to Connect with Your Higher Self
While there are many paths to establishing connection with your higher self, the following three practices have proven particularly effective across various spiritual traditions and modern psychological approaches. Each offers a different doorway to this expanded state of consciousness, allowing you to choose the approach that resonates most with your temperament, lifestyle and situation.
1. Contemplative Meditation: The Witness Practice
The witness meditation is a powerful technique for distinguishing between your everyday thinking mind and your higher awareness. This practice helps you recognise that you are not your thoughts but the consciousness that observes them.
How to Practice:
- Find a comfortable seated position in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Allow your spine to be straight but not rigid.
- Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, allowing your body to relax with each exhale.
- Begin to notice your thoughts without engaging with them. You may like to imagine yourself sitting on the bank of a river, watching your thoughts float by like leaves on the water. Personally I think of my thoughts like rabbits. I remember that I don’t need to chase the rabbit down the rabbit hole but just let it pass by me!
- When you notice yourself getting caught in a thought stream, gently label it (“planning,” “remembering,” “worrying”) and return to the observer position.
- Ask yourself: “Who is aware of these thoughts?” Turn your attention to the awareness itself rather than the contents of awareness.
- Rest in the spaciousness of being the witness. Notice how this observing presence feels stable, peaceful, and unchanged by the passing thoughts.
- Gradually extend this practice from 5 minutes to 20 minutes daily.
The witness practice creates a separation between your identified ego-self and your higher awareness. With consistent practice, you’ll begin to recognise that the unchanging witness consciousness is your higher self—the aspect of you that remains constant amid changing thoughts, emotions and circumstances.
2. Sacred Writing: Dialoguing with Your Higher Self
Writing offers a direct channel for communication with your higher self, bypassing the critical mind and allowing deeper wisdom to emerge. This practice creates a dedicated space for receiving guidance from your inner wisdom. Journaling is often easier for many than meditation so its a great place to start connecting with your Higher self.
How to Practice:
- Create a sacred writing space free from distractions. You might light a candle or play soft instrumental music to signal to yourself that this is special time.
- Begin with centering. Take several deep breaths and set an intention to connect with your higher wisdom.
- Start with an invocation at the top of your page: “I am now opening to communication with my higher self. I ask for guidance that serves my highest good.”
- Pose a specific question that you’re seeking guidance on. Write it down clearly.
- Switch hands if possible (write with your non-dominant hand) to help bypass logical thinking.
- Begin writing without censoring or judging what comes through. Let the words flow, even if they initially seem random or unclear.
- If you feel stuck, simply write “My higher self is telling me…” and continue writing whatever follows.
- Continue for at least 15 minutes, allowing the writing to deepen and evolve.
- Express gratitude at the end of your session for the wisdom received.
- Review what you’ve written afterward, highlighting passages that feel particularly resonant or surprising. Often the most valuable insights are those that didn’t come from your normal thinking patterns.
The key to this practice is suspending judgment and creating space for something beyond your conditioned mind to express itself. Over time, you’ll recognise the distinct “voice” of your higher self—it typically carries a quality of compassionate wisdom that transcends your everyday perspective.
3. Embodied Awareness: The Body as Temple Practice
While many approaches to higher self-connection focus on transcending the physical, this practice recognises the body itself as a sacred vessel for higher consciousness. By bringing mindful awareness into the body, you can access the wisdom that’s already present in your physical form.
How to Practice:
- Begin in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, spine aligned but relaxed.
- Place your hands on your lower abdomen, just below your navel, and breathe deeply into this center.
- Slowly scan your awareness through your entire body, from feet to crown, noticing sensations without judgment.
- Ask your body a question you’re seeking guidance about. For example: “Body, what do you need most right now?” or “What is the wisest next step on my path?”
- Listen for the response that may come as a physical sensation, an impulse to move, an image, or an intuitive knowing.
- Follow any intuitive movement your body initiates. This might be subtle, such as tapping your fingers or expressive, such as moving your whole body—trust whatever emerges.
- Rest in the wisdom that arises from this embodied awareness, allowing it to integrate before returning to normal activity.
- Practice regularly, especially before making important decisions or when feeling disconnected from your intuition.
This practice honours the reality that our higher self doesn’t just exist in some abstract realm but is fully present within our physical experience. The body often knows the truth before the mind can grasp it, making embodied awareness a direct pathway to higher wisdom.
These three practices—contemplative meditation, sacred writing and embodied awareness—offer complementary approaches to establishing connection with your higher self. While meditation cultivates the witness consciousness, writing provides a channel for direct communication, and embodied awareness honours the wisdom present in your physical form.
The most powerful approach is to incorporate all three into your life, perhaps at different times or for different purposes. With consistent practice, these techniques will gradually shift your center of identity from the limited ego-self to the expansive wisdom of your higher nature.
I hope you have found this article helpful. If you have, please consider sharing it with other like-minded folk
Until next time
Blessed be
Eva x