The Goddess Freya : Norse Goddess of Love, War and Magic


The goddess Freya, or Freyja, rides in a chariot pulled by cats, owns a cloak of falcon feathers that allows her to shapeshift, and her tears turn to gold when she weeps. What’s not to love!!!

In Norse mythology, Freya, or Freyja, is goddess of both love and war. She practices powerful magic, leads warriors into battle and claims her share of the fallen for her great hall. Today, people are increasingly drawn to Freyja’s unique blend of power and passion. In a world that often asks us to choose between strength and softness, she shows us how to embrace both. Her wisdom offers guidance for modern lives, teaching us about personal power, sacred sexuality and the magic that comes from living authentically.

Who Was Freyja?

Originally, Freyja belonged to the Vanir, a tribe of gods associated with nature, fertility and magic. When the Vanir and Aesir tribes ended their war, she came to live in Asgard as a peace hostage along with her father and her twin brother Freyr. Despite these humble beginnings, the goddess Freya quickly became one of the most respected and powerful figures among the gods.

Freya lives in her great hall Sessrúmnir, located in her realm of Folkvangr. Here she welcomes half of all warriors who die in battle, choosing even before Odin claims his share for Valhalla. She travels the nine worlds in a chariot pulled by two huge cats, and when she needs to fly, she wears a magical cloak of falcon feathers. Around her neck she wears the famous Brisingamen necklace, a powerful symbol of her sovereignty.

Freyja’s Powers and Symbols

The goddess Freya presides over aspects of life that might seem contradictory to modern eyes. She rules love in all its forms – from the deepest romance to pure sexual desire. Yet she’s also a fierce warrior goddess who rides into battle and claims fallen heroes for her hall. This combination shows us that love and strength aren’t opposites, but partners.

Freyja is also a practitioner of Seidr, a powerful form of Norse magic that spans prophecy, healing and fate-working. She taught these arts to Odin himself! As well as cats and falcons, she’s associated with gold and amber, because of the amber tears she weeps while searching for her mysterious lost husband, Od. Her sacred animals include the boar and the falcon and she’s strongly connected to the spring and fertility.

Ways to Honour Freyja

To honour Freyja in your sacred space, you might like to begin with colours she loves – gold, amber and deep red. Fresh flowers, especially roses, honour her connection to love and beauty, while symbols of strength and courage acknowledge her warrior nature. Many find that working with Freyja helps them balance seemingly opposite aspects of themselves.

The goddess Freya particularly appreciates acts of self-love and personal empowerment. This might mean standing up for yourself, pursuing your passions without apology, or treating yourself with the respect you deserve. She encourages us to embrace both our strength and our sensuality, to speak our truth and to protect what we love fiercely. Through meditation, ritual and daily devotional practices, we can develop a relationship with Freya that can lead to profound personal transformation.

Offerings for Freyja

The goddess Freya delights in offerings that reflect her passionate nature. Share with her sweet mead or honey wine, rich dark chocolate, or anything made with love and intention. She appreciates beautiful objects, especially those in her favourite colours – amber jewellery, golden trinkets, or deep red roses. Consider offering dragonsblood incense or rose petals, both of which carry her energy.

Freyja values actions as offerings too. Dance wildly, create art, write poetry, or sing from your heart. Make love with intention and joy. Stand up for those who need protection. Practice magic mindfully. These devotional acts mean as much to her as physical offerings, especially when done with passion and purpose. Let your offerings reflect what Freya means to you personally – she appreciates authenticity above all.

A Simple Freyja Ritual

Create a sacred space with items that connect you to the goddess Freya – flowers, candles in her colours, and any symbols of love and strength that speak to you. Pour a cup of mead or honey wine as an offering, and light amber or rose incense if you have it. Settle yourself comfortably and take several deep breaths to centre yourself.

Light a candle and speak from your heart to Freyja. Tell her what draws you to her, what you seek her guidance with, how you wish to grow stronger or love more deeply. Sit in peaceful meditation and remain open to any messages or feelings that arise. When your connection feels complete, thank her sincerely and leave your offerings in place until the next day. You can perform this ritual at any time, but Freyja’s energy is particularly strong on Fridays and during the full moon.

Daily Working with Freyja

Freya reminds us that magic lives in ordinary moments. Speak her name when you need courage, call on her when practicing divination, or honour her warrior spirit in your physical exercise. Light a candle in her colours when making important decisions, especially about love or personal power. Most importantly, embrace all parts of yourself, just as Freyja embraces both love and war, both magic and practicality, both power and vulnerability. In living authentically and fully, we honour her best.

Freyja calls us to live magnificently. She doesn’t ask us to choose between warrior and lover, between power and tenderness, between magic and practicality – she demands we embrace it all. When we walk with the goddess Freya, we learn to blaze with our own light and to stand unshakeable in our truth. She teaches us that real power flows from being fully, unapologetically ourselves. In a world that often asks us to be less, Freyja dares us to be more – to live with passion, to love without fear, and to shine with all the radiance we possess.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. I’d love to hear how you work with Frejya, or other powerful goddesses. Let me know in the comments below

Blessed be

Eva x


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Eva May Baker
Eva May Baker
Hello, and welcome to The City Witch, your portal into the magical world that exists within the hustle and bustle of city life. My name is Eva Baker and I am an urban folk witch, author and your guide on this magical journey.


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