She is not one but three. She is not fragmented but whole. Each aspect flows into the next like the phases of the moon, like the turning of the seasons, like the spiral of life itself. She is the Maiden, Mother, and Crone—and she lives in every woman, in every moment, in every phase of life.
The Maiden, Mother and Crone represent the eternal cycle of womanhood, each phase holding its own unique power and wisdom. Through understanding these aspects, we connect with ancient traditions that recognised women’s inherent divinity in all her forms.
The Maiden
The first part of the triple goddess is the Maiden. She is the dawn, the spring, the new moon dark with possibility. She stands at the edge of everything, alive with potential. The Maiden’s power lies in her ability to begin, to dare, to dream without limits. She doesn’t know what can’t be done, so she does it anyway.
The Maiden runs wild. She bleeds without shame. She loves fiercely and feels everything fully. She dances until dawn and howls at the moon. She is learning who she is, and every discovery delights her. Society tries to tame her, to make her smaller, quieter, more pleasing—but her true power lies in her wildness.
She is not naive; she is new. She is not foolish; she is fresh. She carries the wisdom of countless beginnings in her bones. Every woman who has ever dared to start again, to learn something new, to take a first step—she is channelling Maiden energy.
The Mother
The second part of the maiden, mother and crone goddess is the Mother. She is the full moon, the high summer, the tide at its peak. The Mother’s power isn’t in giving everything to others—it’s in knowing how to create, nurture and protect and when to sit back. She is fierce as a storm, steady as the earth, wild as the sea that birthed all life.
The Mother doesn’t just nurture children—she nurtures ideas, projects, communities, movements. She knows how to bring things into being and how to sustain them. Her creativity isn’t limited to reproduction; it flows through everything she touches. She makes, builds, grows, teaches.
She is not sacrificial; she is sovereign. She gives not from depletion but from abundance. When the sacred Mother says “no,” mountains listen. When she says “enough,” empires fall. She knows that setting boundaries is as important as giving care.
The Crone
The final part of the Maiden, Mother and Crone, goddess is the Crone. She is the waning moon, the autumn twilight, the depths of winter where wisdom grows. The Crone’s power lies in knowing—knowing herself, knowing the world, knowing what needs to be done and having the courage to do it.
She has lived through enough springs to know that winter always ends. She has seen enough full moons to trust the dark. She knows that every ending is a beginning, that death feeds life, that change is the only constant.
The Crone’s wrinkles are her warrior marks, her grey hair her crown. She has earned every line, every silver strand, every moment of knowing who she is and standing in her truth. Society fears her because she can’t be controlled—she has already survived their worst.
The Sacred Cycle of the Triple Goddess
The Mother, Maiden and Crone aren’t separate phases to be lived and left behind—they are energies that live in us always, though we may resonate with certain ones more closely through our life. The Maiden’s enthusiasm, the Mother’s fierce protection, the Crone’s deep wisdom—we need them all, at every age, in every situation.
You can be a young woman with Crone wisdom. You can be an elder with Maiden joy. You can be childless with Mother energy. You can be all three in the space of a day, an hour, a breath.
Reclaiming The Triple Goddess
Modern society tries to trap us in one phase:
- Keeping the Maiden perpetually young and naive
- Reducing the Mother to only nurturing others
- Making the Crone invisible
But we are can reclaim our wholeness. Remember that we can be:
- Wild and wise
- Nurturing and fierce
- Young and ancient
- Sacred and sexual
- Powerful and playful
Living the Triple Goddess
If you are ready to embrace all aspects of the triple Goddess within, here are a few ideas to get you started.
Honour Your Maiden
Rekindle the freshness and excitement of maiden energy by:
- Dancing when you want to dance
- Saying yes to adventure
- Learning something new
- Trusting your enthusiasm
- Feeling everything fully and deeply
- Remembering that every day can be a beginning
Embody Your Mother
Ignite the creative, nurturing and protective aspects of the mother energy by:
- Creating without limits
- Protecting what matters
- Nurturing from a place of abundance
- Setting appropriate boundaries
- Building what you wish existed
- Trusting your strength
Channel Your Crone
To integrate crone energy into your life, try:
- Speaking your truth
- Trusting your knowing
- Sharing your wisdom
- Standing your ground
- Releasing what no longer serves
- Embracing your power
The Sacred Truth
You are not one thing—you are everything. You contain multitudes. You are Maiden, Mother and Crone, moon and sun, darkness and light. You are the spiral dance of life itself, always changing, always whole.
When society tries to limit you, remember: Your youth doesn’t make you powerless. Your nurturing doesn’t make you sacrificial. Your age doesn’t make you invisible. You are all ages, all phases, all powers. You are complete.
Triple Goddess Ritual: Embracing All Your Faces
Ideally, do this ritual at the full moon, when all phases of the moon goddess are visible in the sky. If you cannot use candles, you can substitute with white or coloured LED candles or just focus on items of the appropriate colours.
You will need
- Three candles: white (Maiden), red (Mother), black (Crone)
- A mirror
- Fresh flowers
- Something you’ve created
- Something ancient
- Your voice
- A bowl of water
- Salt
Create your sacred space. Place the mirror in the centre of your altar, with the three candles arranged in a crescent shape before it. The white candle on the right, the red in the middle, the black on the left. Place the flowers near the white candle, your creation near the red candle, and your ancient object near the black candle.
If you wish, you can sprinkle salt in a circle around your space, or create an energetic circle, then sit before your altar. Look into the mirror and see all your faces—the maiden, mother and crone. For example, if you are in your middle years – the youth you were, the creator you are, the wise woman you’re becoming.
Light the white candle and speak: “I am the Maiden, eternal beginning. I am possibility and wonder. I am the dawn and the spring and the new moon rising. My power is in daring to begin.”
Light the red candle and speak: “I am the Mother, eternal creator. I am manifestation and protection. I am the noon and the summer and the full moon’s glory. My power is in daring to nurture.”
Light the black candle and speak: “I am the Crone, eternal wisdom. I am knowledge and transformation. I am the dusk and the winter and the waning moon’s mystery. My power is in daring to know.”
Gaze into the water bowl and speak: “I am not one but three. I am not three but one. In me lives all ages, all wisdom, all power. I claim my wholeness. I honour all my faces. As I will it, so it shall be.”
Sit in the energy of your complete self. Feel how these aspects of the Maiden, Mother and Crone move within you, support you, empower you. When you’re ready, take three deep breaths and speak:
“By water and fire, by moon and star, by wisdom ancient and power new, I claim my triple soul.
So mote it be.”
Allow the candles to burn as you meditate on each aspect of yourself. Before you close, write in your journal:
- One thing you’ll begin (Maiden)
- One thing you’ll nurture (Mother)
- One thing you’ll release (Crone)
When you are ready, extinguish the candles. Keep your intentions somewhere visible. Work with each aspect through the lunar month. Notice how they weave together, support each other and create the tapestry of your wholeness.
Here’s to embracing divine feminine energy in all its forms
Blessed be
Eva x